Diarrhea, Sore Throat And Skin Irritation After Unprotected Sex. When Should I Go For HIV Duo Test?
I am a 26 year old male. 33 days ago I had an unprotected vaginal sexual encounter with a girl I've known for some time. Idon't know wether she had any STDs. After this encounter, I developped a few symptoms like diarrhea and some skin irritation. I saw a dermatologist - venerologist who dismissed the possibility of those symptoms being related to a HIV infection. He did however prescribe a HIV duo test, which I took on the 27th day after the encounter. A few days before the test I started having a sore throat, a white tongue and having night sweats.
My question is, how reliable the test after 27 days would be (I'm planning to get another one on the 6th week XXXXXXX that being the guidelines in France, where I live)? Would testing today tell me more about my status?
Thank you
HIV duo should be taken 4 weeks after exposure. This one day is negligible,so you can be sure about its results and you dont have to repeat this test.
Studies report that the test was 100% accurate if you get a negative result, and 94% accurate if you get a positive result.
These symptoms you are mentioning always confuse people because everyone think this is ARS(acute retroviral syndrome) and caused by HIV. But these are nonspecific symtpoms,can be caused by any virus, allergy or irritation and in most cases have no any relation to sexual intercourse.
YOu can do test again if you are very concerned,but it might be better to do swab STD tests because it is more common and can be easier transmitted.
Hope I have answered your query. If you have any further questions I will be happy to help"