Do Not Feel Full, Light Headedness, Nausea. Family History Of Celiac's Disease. Anybody Have A Clue?
Thanks for posting your query
The present symptoms could be due to -
1) Acid peptic disease and gastric ulcer - Exedrin contains aspirin which impairs gastric protective measures and is associated with gastric ulcers. Gastric ulcers are typically associated with a feeling of increased appetite as eating relieves the symptoms.
2) Inadequate food or fibre intake because of the restrictions imposed by a GFD.
3) Poor quality sleep
I would suggest that you see your treating physician who can evaluate you and prescribe appropriate therapy.
Celiac disease has a genetic component and is frequently known to cluster in family. The antibody that is tested - tTGA IgA that is used to screen for celiac disese gradually decreases in titre with time if a person is off gluten and may become negative after 6-9ms of gluten free diet (GFD). As GFD is a lifelong commitment, I would suggest that you should confirm the diagnosis
Again, the reason I tried this is because I do not have insurance and do not want to waste time and money to do research to most likely find nothing. It would be worth it, so-to-speak, if something came of it so I can treat or cure, but by the time we figure that out, I would be thousands in debt with medical bills.
Please help...
Acid peptic disease does present with all the described symptoms and antacids aren't the most effective way to treat them.
If you want to give a therapeutic trial, I would suggest you to take a twice a day course of proton pump inhibitors along with prokinetics for atleast 2 week period.
Thyroid disorders can also explain some of your complaints. Further throid problems frequently accompany celiac disease. I suggest you discuss with your primary doctor who can help you rule out thyroid problem (if that has not been checked yet).
Diagnosis of celiac disease is by a positive tTGA antibodies and a histopathological diagnosis of villous atrophy on a duodenal biopsy. Oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy would show groving and scalloping of duodenal folds. Colonoscopy has no role in establishing a diagnosis of celiac disease. A gastroenterologist can guide you through these procedures to rule out celiac disease.
Hope I have answered all your queries. Please accept my answer if you do not have any further queries.