Does Chantix Help In Flushing Colinine Out Of The System?
I'm aware of Chantix (and its cost is a problem).
But, if I do obtain .5 mg Chantix
2 times daily (borrow), does it eliminate Colinine? How many days? No point if Chantix shows in urine, right?
Does Colinine also appear in blood?
How long does blood elimination of Colinine take (if its traceable in blood) test? If taking Chantix .5 mg twice daily?
Should I be asking for generic name varenicline? Or better financially if Chantix with $300 coupon?
I'm guessing any & all other products (forms of nicotine) will not help;
But, are there any HOMEOPATHIC herbs, "medicine" combinations I should buy & take with or without Chantix? Or, drop Chantix & stick with homeopathic meds alone?
Is .5 twice a day of Chantix enough to delete Colinine? What is? Insurance companies usually test for Colinine, or simply nicotine (in urine)? What are names of homeopathic meds and what measurement if combined? How often a day? Also only with food? Chantix makes me nautilus when a friend gave me about 14 of .5 Chantix. Will homeopathic do the same? Only 11 days to go, please do your best.
Thank you for anticipated prompt response.
After you help me, what procedure if I want to cease paying and receive magazine monthly?
continin pharmacology is very simple.
Detailed Answer:
Chantix does absolutely nothing for cotinin getting out of your system. Once it is in it comes out at its own rate that is only likely to be influenced by Severe liver disease.
half of it gets out in 12 hrs. about 5 to 10 12 hr cycles will make it hard to detect. that is 60 to `120 hrs or 3 to 5 days. Nicotine stays around only about as long as a cigarette (minutes to an hour or so). They only test for the longer duration cotinin.
The other nicotine replacements WILL show up as cotinin. That seems likely to be a problem in this context. So, chantix would seem to be the only answer.
Homeopathic, since it doesn't have anything in it, will neither cause side effects nor be helpful.
However, if Chantix is working at least 3-5 days prior to exam, because I am not smoking, cotinin will dissolve by itself.
No other options. (Unless I am a religious man).
Is cotinin the same as what was referred to as "Colinine" in the Q & A I read about? They said 7 days. They were trying overkill?
Regardless, Chantix worked for me twice before (as far as quoting) 6 months, then 2 years. I was not, however tested.
Will the Chantix itself show up in the test?
Same question with "varinicine" (so) the generic Chantix?
Chantix, right away and no worries?
Now, any thoughts on securing this expensive medication? I still have 7 days at .5, but nothing sfter that. I need script, or Dr. Office which has samples, but not on my PPO!thanks Doc. Just the same. You were great!
Very good understanding of the issue
Detailed Answer:
Could not have said it better myself:
"In short, Chantix does nothing for the only thing they test for: cotinin.
However, if Chantix is working at least 3-5 days prior to exam, because I am not smoking, cotinin will dissolve by itself. "
actually the half life of cotinine can vary from 10 to 27 hrs with 17 hrs being a better average value.
the cut off now that I think about it is about 1% of the level of a smoker because that is the amount of cotinin in second hand exposure. 50%, 25%, 12%, 6%, 3%, 1%, 0.5% 7 x 17 hr....yup 4 days optimistic, 7 days pessimistic.
Although chantix has some structural similarity to nicotine (slight) it does NOT cross react with the metabolite and does NOT show up on cotinine tests.
Then, on how to get chantix. It is expensive. It will stay that way until it's patent expires and even then it will still be above average price for a generic simply because if it works, people will not be on it forever.
Health departments often cover it. Insurance companies have an incentive to offer it, cover it, or discount it.