Does Ciclopirox Cause Memory Loss And Confusion?
Not related to Ciclopirox
Detailed Answer:
I read your question carefully and I understand your concern.
Ciclopirox is a topical preparation, meaning applied locally (cream, gel, shampoo, nail lotion etc), as such it does not enter the blood circulation and does not have any effect in other systems, only at the application site.
So the direct answer to your question is no, if there are memory issues they are not related to ciclopirox and another cause should be considered.
For that purpose I suggest you discuss it first with your physician. Memory evaluation can be a subjective issue, what you might consider memory loss may not be such, may be related to other issues like anxiety or depression which affect concentration.
So to have an objective estimate your doctor may do specific tests (like questionnaire) evaluating your cognitive skills. If the tests confirm there is indeed memory impairment the causes can be many and a neurological exam for accompanying signs, brain imaging (for stroke, tumor etc) and blood tests (like thyroid function, vitamin B12 levels, inflammation/infection markers etc) may be required to search for the cause.
But let's not rush too far ahead, as I said establishing whether there actually is a memory issue is necessary first.
I hope to have been of help.