Does Cortisone Shot Increase Blood Sugar Level In Blood?
It was hard to reach you after your reply. New question:1) I got a cortisone shot yesterday in my R.ankle; the sugar level went up a lot to 165 this morning. It's been mostly 139, 131 before this. I need to get a cortisone shot in L. shoulder. Is 2 or more like 3 weeks better to wait to get the next cortisone shot?
2) I need a good source to find low sugar or safe desserts for Christmas dessert pls.
You were immensely helpful before - Thanks so much. XXXXXXX
Detailed Answer:
Sorry to note the elevation in blood sugar levels.
They are not alarmingly high though. However, you must keep monitoring them regularly which you are so that is good.
I see you have recently been diagnosed with diabetes and it is not severely high. So that probably explains why you do not appear to be on any medication for it.
When I see someone like you in my practice, I typically order the following tests in addition to a detailed physical examination:
Liver function tests
Kidney function tests
25 hydroxy Vitamin D
These tests are necessary to make a systematic plan.
Instead of waiting for the next shot you can discuss with your endocrinologist in-person how to manage diabetes medication in order to keep the glucoses in check during the time the cortisone shots are in effect.
With regards to sources for diabetes-friendly treats, here is a weblink that will provide useful tips and actual recipes: