Does A Cream Cause Swelling Of The Lip With Yellow Crust And Discharge?
Every body has got different skin sensitivity for different chemical substances. The one which suits many, may not be suitable for some body. Depending upon there body type and other things each and every individual reacts to a chemical applied on skin in any form.
The cream that you say you have applied on your mustache obviously contains some chemical in to it and you body did not accept it so what you are having is a type of skin reaction and allergy.
When ever there is insult to any part of body, as a defensive procedure the blood supply to that part increase and fluids accumulates there. Which in turn gives rise to swelling and forming of blister at times and fluids licks out of it.
Now you need to see your doctor for anti allergic treatment.You may need local as well as oral medications for this.This medications will prevent further allergic response progression and gradually the swelling will subside and the discharge will stop.
For temporary relief if anti allergic non prescription drugs available, you can take if you want and you are comfortable with this drugs in past.Best way is to see your doctor.
No not apply anything on your own without consulting your doctor as it may flare up the take care.
Still if you are having query please ask me, I will be glad answering it.