Last week, I had a false tb test result. This week, I went in for my second round of tb testing. I am 29 weeks pregnant and have had some allergic type of responses that had developed from my previous pregnancy. I visited an allergist, which informed me that my body was reacting to everything due to the pregnancy. I developed an allergic response (extreme itchiness throughout entire body and in some cases, breathing started to be constricted with the IV contrast). These allergic responses are to erythromyocin, amoxicillin, and IV contrast. There was also a cleaning astringent that I used all my life that I stopped using while being pregnant. After I started to re-use the product after giving birth, my entire face swelled and I had a major allergic response. The reason behind this history is because I don t know how to interpret what is going on physically right now. The second tb skin test area is not red or swollen. It does not even appear to be raised or hard to the touch. I had the test at 5pm, August 3. It is now 5:40am, August 4th and I am experiencing extreme itchiness on my head and underneath my arm pits. This feeling I am experiencing is a similar response to the other things that I am allergic to. Can anyone explain what is happening? Does this mean I have had tb in the past or could I be having an allergic response to something within the injection solution? I also started to feel some nausea and some dizziness after having the 2nd injection. Is this common?