Does Blocked Eustachian Tubes Lead To Permanent Damage?
OTC Nasal decongestant drops ( 0.1 % Xylometazoline )
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your query.
1. If there is time before your flight, get an Impedance Audiometry ( Tympanometry ) done.
2. If there is no time, use 3-4 drops of OTC Nasal decongestant drops ( 0.1 % Xylometazoline ) on each side , an hour before the flight.
3. Flying with a partially blocked Eustachian Tube may cause discomfort, especially while landing.
4. Flying with a completely blocked Eustachian Tube may lead to barotrauma. This may cause a temporary and rarely a permanent damage. If this shows up on the Tympanometry, get a Myringotomy and grommet insertion done 2-3 days before the flight.
5. Upload the Tympanometry report.
I hope that I have answered your query. If you have any more questions I will be available to answer them.