Does Endometriosis Make It Difficult To Conceive Children?
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Detailed Answer:
Hello, yes you are right endometriosis is very complicated disease which can affect conception at many levels.
It can disturb tubo-ovarian relationship and thus interfere with pick up of egg by the tubes.
Also it can interfere with the quality of egg and impair its release from ovary.
But the severity of affection depends on the extent of disease and ranges from mild to severe disease.
Best treatment for endometriosis is to plan pregnancy as soon as possible because its severity increases more and more with passing time
GnRH Agonists can be tried for 3 months and are clinically proven to be very effective in achieving remission especially in mild disease.
In case you have any other query I will be happy to help.
Detailed Answer:
GnRH Agonists are basically hormones which are normally secreted in our body.
If given from outside on a regular basis they lead to suppression of endometriosis by causing atrophy of abnormal diseased tissue of endometriosis.
You can discuss this with your gynecologist and I hope it will benefit you a lot.
All the best.
no major side effects
Detailed Answer:
GNRH Agonists can decrease bone marrow density and some mood disturbances but are usually not associated with any major side effects
They are one of the most milder form of hormones as far as side effects are concerned.