Does High Bilirubin With Elevated SGOT And SGPT Levels In Blood Indicate Hepatitis?
suggestive of liver inflammation or hepatitis
Detailed Answer:
I had gone through your reports and I really appreciate your concern
High bilirubin with elevated liver enzymes SGOT and SGPT is suggestive of liver inflammation or hepatitis.
Here I would like further information to guide you better
Are you running fever, passing yellowish coloured urine?
How's your appetite?
HbA1c is 7.5% which is suggestive of fair control of blood sugar so I would advise you for oral GTT test to rule out IGT (Impaired glucose tolerance)
Apart from this I would advise you for an ultrasound abdomen to rule out liver enlargement.
You should avoid fatty fried spicy and junk food
Take lots of fresh fruits and vegetables or dietary fiber supplement
have lots of fluids and maintain good hydration
No strenuous exertion
Hope this answers your question
Please feel free to ask for follow up, I will be happy to help you
Best wishes