Does Intake Of Hydrocortisone Help In Treating Secondary Adrenal Deficiency?
Adjust the dose of hydrocortisone.
Detailed Answer:
Sorry to learn about your bothersome symptoms.
Regarding to your concern i am trying to give you some more information.
If you are diagnosed with secondary adrenal deficiency than there is no need to check 21-hydroxilase antibodies. They are responsible for primary adrenal insufficiency.
It is not easy dealing with adrenal insufficiency but it is very important to monitor the symptoms and adjust the dose of hydrocortisone regarding to them.
The blood pressure and electrolyte level are the main indicators of the hydrocortisone dose.
If your blood pressure is low with the actual dose, than it may be the cause of your actual situation.
The lack of thyroid hormones may be abother cause of fatigue, depression ect.
Hope the information will help.
Kind regards,
Info regarding to primary adrenal insufficiency.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back,
So you mean that the first diagnoses hasn't been correct?
If you want to have more information regarding to primary adrenal insufficiency, the most probable cause ( in 80% of cases) is autoimmune disease that is confirmed by checking 21 hydroxilase antibodies.
They are very sensitive in making the diagnosis, but in later phases of the disease they may result negative.
In most of the cases is associated with other autoimmune diseases ( poliendocrine autoimmune syndrome).
When a primary adrenal insufficiency is diagnosed, thyroid hormones, glycemia, Estrogen level and full blood count are checked.
The difference in treatment of primary with secondary adrenal insufficiency is the need for florinef in primary adrenal insufficiency ( not in all cases).
If antibodies result negative than a ct scan of the adrenal glands is performed to try to find other causes.
Hope the information will help.
Kind regards,
Hydrocortisone dose and other hormones need to be checked.
Detailed Answer:
Sorry to learn about your situation.
When the adrenal glands remain unstimulated for years, due to the lack of pituitary hormone, than the atrophy happens leading in primary insuficiency too.
Regarding to your symptoms, you need an endocrinologist detailed examination and some biochemical and hormonal exams.
You should know that in case of illnesses the dose of hydrocortisone should be doubled, the lack of thyroid hormones can cause many symptoms too.
So the evaluation of the hydrocortisone dose and a check up of other hormones to see if there is other hormonal problem too, is needed.
Kind regard,