Does Multiple Sclerosis Cause High High EBV Nuclear Antigen?
Some but not all!
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you so much for this query.
I am so sorry to hear about these troubling laboratory findings and all the inconveniences this must have caused you. We would take a close look at these below to help you understand what they suggest.
These findings are not explained by multiple sclerosis. They are more suggestive of an infectious with EBV virus which causes infectious monucleosis. The high titers of IgG to the EBV viral particles suggests that this is not an active infection but a long standing infection. If it were a recent infection, the IgM component would have been positive as well and not simply the IgG component. This in the strictest sense suggests that you have had this infection in the past. Have you had this infection before?
You mentioned blood test and I can see CSF(cerebrospinal fluid) Is this correct? This is not a blood test but rather a test that analyzes fluid collected from the back. Let me know if that is what you mean. And what is CSF 100?
In all, these findings are not explained by Multiple sclerosis. They are more suggestive of a possible old EBV infection.
I hope this helps. I wish you well. Thanks for using our services and do feel free to ask for more information should need be.
Cell count Lymphs, csf 100 (should be 40 to 80).
My neurologist ordered the blood test due to me having extreme fatigue and weakness, combined with my arms and legs hurting down deep (almost like the bones). It hurts to move. I'm am going from the couch to the bed, barely able to do much more that that.
My doctor ordered Provigil, 200 mg @ day, but this does not help with the fatigue at all. I actually "crash" about 4 hours after taking the medicine (which when I say crash, I mean just totally run out of energy to the point of having shaky feelings).
Would problems with my lymphs, (possible lymphoma) be possible. I have noticed my left lymph node in my neck being swollen and the left side of my neck staying red. This has been for a long time though.
Not suggestive of lymphoma!
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you for following up with me.
Your symptoms seem to be dominated by pains. Did you doctor consider fibromyalgia as one of the possible causes of your symptoms? I will strongly recommend that you should be evaluated for this as your symptoms seem suggestive.
Lymphoma would not present with extreme fatigue. Swollen and non tender glands especially around the neck region are the primary presentations. These swollen glands maybe more related to the laboratory findings which show that you have been exposed to EBV which is a known cause of swollen glands especially around the neck region.
CSF white counts cannot be obtained in blood unless it means some other abbreviation different from cerebrospinal fluid as this cannot be obtained by analysing blood. Please, get the full meaning of this and communicate to me.
I hope this helps. I wish you well.