Does Nicorette Cause Erectile Dysfunction ?
does Nicorette cause erectile dysfunction? or is it age? or something else? what can I do to improve my performance naturally?
Thanks for your query,
There are some users of Nicorette who have complaints of erection dysfunction,But there is no proof for direct affection of the erection by the Nicorette.
Certain symptoms like sleep disruption, tiredness, lack of energy, loss of sex drive,nervousness , depression etc caused by Nicorette on long term use could have triggered the erection problems.
This would not support the idea to quit Nicorette, I would ask you to consider the benefit and risk involved in continuing the gum.
I would consider Nicorette could always be a second suspect. Other causes like anxiety, work stress, age , and nutritional factors have to be ruled out first by detailed examination by a sexologist.
Take Multivitamin supplements and also massage the penis with DUROIL every alternate day . This will prevent such recurrences.
Hope I have answered your query. If you have any follow up queries I will be available to answer them.
Thanks for following me up,
Foods XXXXXXX in Zinc and selenium will help.
Yes, exercise will surely help. It will get you off the sideeffects of Nicorette and also build your energy levels combating the erection problems.
The lessening frequency can be a clue into a fact that it could not be permanent.I would also consider a detailed examination of you by the sexologist will give you ore insights into the problem.
Wish you good health.