Does Placental Infarction Happen Immediately? Suggest The Tests To Check The Well Being Of The Foetus?
Ultrasound doppler and BPP (bio physical profile)
Detailed Answer:
1. Placental infarction happen over a time period, mainly due to the reduced blood supply to the placenta (spiral arteries). Most common cause is Hypertension in pregnancy.
2. And what tests can check for this? Ultrasound doppler will suggest placental insufficiency. The doctors would look for systolic and diastolic ratio - high or if there is absent or reversal of diastolic flow to placenta.
3. Fetal well-being can be assessed by various means. If the pregnancy is more than 30-32 weeks we ask for NST(non stress test-i.e. fetal heart beat monitoring) & scan obstetrics with doppler and BPP (bio-physical profile). Depending on all these factors, and how well your blood pressure is controlled termination can be planned.
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NST and scan are different entities.
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Obstetric scan is done to know the fetal growth and biometry, after the fetal evaluation doppler scan is done in the same sitting i.e UMBILICAL ARTERY SD(SYSTOLIC : DIASTOLIC) RATIO, finally BPP is done which confirms that the foetal is active. All these are scan parameters which rules out fowtal acidosis i.e fetal distress and if there is any FGR(fetal growth restriction). All tests are automatic with BPP.
NST is different from scan, it is not very specific in detecting the fetal distress before 32 weeks. Ideally it should be done after 32 weeks. NST tells about acute event of fetal distress and scan will tell about chronic event which is usually seen in pre-eclampsia.
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