Does Saliva Exposure Of HIV Positive Person In Eye Of Non HIV Person Cause AIDS?

Dr. XXXXXXX General & Family Physician
About high viral load HIV saliva eye contact and he said that the risk is astronomic like none existing – and epidemiology data prove that ! ( And I agree with him )
I would like to confirmation from another specialist – HIV and AIDS specialist – who would also say that risk is none ! It is always better when all express agree with that!
And the most important thing remember – IF you will say that high viral load saliva can transmit trough eye contact like during the conversation don’t even write to me because I don’t what to get paranoia !!
This is the most important thing !!
You can check literature what I have looked and found ! – You can open these web page and copy the text and find the direct place in text where these things are written.
– I hope you will help me to understand why high HIV viral load saliva for example during the early stage of HIV when viral load is high will not transmitted trough casual contact like – eye mucous membrane and very small saliva 1 mm³ eye contact, for example during conversation with infected person.
I would like to understand if HIV saliva viral load is high – can it be transmitted trough casuals contact like speaking in close distance and small splash of saliva get in eye!
Statistic say that there is no case of HIV transmission from saliva eye contact !
This prove that it is not a risk !
But can you give me argument why high viral load saliva will not transmitted trough casual contact !
Like eye and saliva contact !
So for example some of my friend had unprotected sex and get infected with HIV in early HIV infection he has very high viral load in saliva (it is proved by discovery)
20 000 copies/ml, during conversation with HIV infected person a very small amount of saliva hits my eye, as 1ml – equal to 1 cm³ and if during the conversation with infected person in my eye gets small splash amount 1 mm³ ( 0,001ml) and it is 1000 times less virus than in 1 ml so you get to 20 copies of HIV virus – and there should work also if inhibition factors in saliva by average 75 %
So I divide 20 to 4 (as 75 %) I will get 5 HIV infective particles will they potentially infect me?
And if the HIV viral load is higher for example 100 000 – 500 000 copies/ ml I get
100 – 500 particles by 1 mm³ amount of saliva and if they are inhibited by 75 % I divide this amount by 4 and it would 25 – 125 HIV virus particles
So could you please explain in logical way ?
And is a small amount of saliva potential enough to transmit HIV if for example saliva contains 10 000 or 20 000 copies/ ml an during conversation with HIV infected person a very small amount of saliva hits your eye, as 1ml – equal to 1 cm³ and if during the conversation with infected person in your eye gets small splash amount 1 mm³ ( 0,001ml) and it is 1000 times less virus than in 1 ml so you get 10 to 20 copies of HIV virus – and if inhibition works well there should no transmission risk? Is it true? And if inhibition doesn’t occur is 10 HIV copies potentially enough to transmit HIV trough eye contact?
HIV viral load in saliva during the early HIV infection stage !
In 7 out of 8 cases, free floating infectious virus could be detected at an average level of 2,000 copies per ml, and in 5 out of 8 cases cell associated virus could be detected at an average level of 20,000 copies per ml.
However, some individuals in this study had virus levels as high as 500,000 copies in saliva, suggesting that during the early weeks of infection some individuals may be ‘super-excretors’ of HIV, and may play a significant role in the ongoing amplification of the HIV epidemic.
It is proved that there is strong inhibition factors in saliva – that protect it from infection !
Publication that say - high viral load is effective inhibited !
Average is 75 % - but it is average if immune system is not destroyed – inhibition will be much higher close to 100 %
However, oral “hyper-excretors” with salivary HIV-1 viral loads that were at least fivefold higher than in matched blood plasma have also been identified (49). The latter finding corroborates the inhibitory factor hypothesis and indicates that these factors might act by reducing HIV-1 infectivity rather than viral load in saliva. Recently, Bolscher et al. (6) showed inhibition of HIV-1 infectivity by high-molecular-weight salivary components (possibly by entrapment of the virus particles) and strong HIV-1 neutralizing capacity in lower-molecular-weight components in both whole saliva and sm/sl saliva. Similarly, we observed that saliva possessed at least three components of different molecular sizes that appear to inhibit HIV-1 activity (Fig. (Fig.2).2).
But although HIV is present in saliva, the components described above inhibit the ability of HIV to infect new cells.
However, transmission rates are higher in
other non blood analytes than in saliva regardless of lower
VLs in those compartments. There is proposed evidence to
suggest existence of anti viral activity in the oral
environment preventing HIV-1 transmission
In one diploma work there was mentioned that it should be only 100 viral particles to transmit HIV compared to C hepatitis where only 10 particles could transmit disease ! Can it be true?
Is it so than you need more HIV virus particles to get infection compared to C hepatitis? Because C hepatitis is ten times more infective – this is because there is usually more C hepatitis virus in blood, or because C hepatitis is more infective as virus itself ?
Similar to HCV, whole saliva from patients with HIV infection may be infectious. It has been postulated that only 100 viral particles might be required for infection (http://www.rki.de). Nevertheless, the exact infective dose has not been determined yet.
What is the most powerful argument why I won’t get infected from a very small saliva spit in eye even this saliva is very high viral load !
1. Mucous membrane has lower transmission risk 0,1%
2. Viral load in very small amount saliva is lower than in 1 ml material – so amount of infection material is low
3. The inhibition factors and all other saliva chemicals work against successful HIV transmission
4. There will be to less HIV infective particles to transmit HIV from 1 mm³ saliva eye mucous membrane, because it is very small amount of infective material.
Thank you !!
No chance of HIV by salivary exposure in eye
Detailed Answer:
Welcome and thanks for posting your query to the forum.
I have gone through the complete query and after reading each and every point I can make out that you are stressed with issue of saliva exposure of HIV positive person in the eye of non HIV person (yourself) and accordingly the probability of acquiring infection from same.
I can make out that Dr. XXXXXXX had already guided you for same and you want a second opinion in this issue.
Let me first and foremost reassure you that by salivary exposure in eye there is no chance of HIV. So I do agree with Dr. Prasad's suggestion. As I can see you have already researched a lot regarding this issue but to add on there are certain important points to be noticed:
- You know very well that HIV viruses are detected in human saliva and therefore there were lot of issues regarding infective potential of saliva causing HIV. You should know that there is term known as Infective dose. For infection to be spread from one person to another there is particular amount of viruses required. So there should be enough of viruses to reach to the infective potential.
Adding to it the most important factor is that our saliva contains lot of enzymes which are inhibitory to the HIV virus. These enzymes stripes off the portion of the HIV virus and therefore the infectivity of the virus is declined to noninfectious stage.
This is the most important of the fact observed in most of the researches as well clinical observations that saliva was not able to spread the infection. The sole most important reason is the inhibitory potential of the enzymes present in it. So even if there is high number of viruses detected in saliva it does not mean that the viruses are infective one. Our saliva makes all these viruses inert. So what we know is that viruses are present but what we do not know is that all these viruses are inert and non-infectious.
I quite often see your kind of cases where after oral kissing or oral sex person are quite worried about the possibility of HIV due to salivary exposure. On academic grounds and on clinical testing I have never ever seen any positive case after salivary exposure.
In all very few number of reported cases of HIV by oral route in literature- there had been a blood to blood mixture from dental caries or an open wound in both the persons.
In your case I can get that you got exposed to the saliva of HIV person in the eye. Our conjunctiva and cornea do not have any open wound and even if the viruses were present then first thing is that the infective dose is not reached and over whatsoever the viruses present do not possess the infective potential.
So you can get that there is no chance of HIV virus infection in your case. I request you to kindly tell me the exact date since the incidence occurred. It is because in many cases where the anxiousness is too high then I suggest them to go for RNA PCR which comes negative on this kind of exposure and therefore relieves the mind regarding all kind of anxieties.
I hope all these informations will help you. I will be glad to answer any further of your queries.
"With good health wishes"
Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
(MD- Dermatology & Sexually Transmitted Diseases)

Thank you very much for your answer !
I like – that you calm me down
And I hope you will help to calm me down in this letter
So it is so that HIV could not be transmitted by saliva eye contact where 1 mm³ hit your eye !
And it is even HIV viral load in saliva is 500 000 copies/ ml
The inhibition factors and mucous membrane immunity will protect it from transmission !
Is it so ?
And as you said -
You should know that there is term known as Infective dose. For infection to be spread from one person to another there is particular amount of viruses required. So there should be enough of viruses to reach to the infective potential.
So is it true that there should be about 100 HIV infective particles to transmit the disease ? As i wrote you
In one diploma work there was mentioned that it should be only 100 viral particles to transmit HIV compared to C hepatitis where only 10 particles could transmit disease ! Can it be true?
Is it so than you need more HIV virus particles to get infection compared to C hepatitis? Because C hepatitis is ten times more infective – this is because there is usually more C hepatitis virus in blood, or because C hepatitis is more infective as virus itself ?
Similar to HCV, whole saliva from patients with HIV infection may be infectious. It has been postulated that only 100 viral particles might be required for infection (http://www.rki.de). Nevertheless, the exact infective dose has not been determined yet.
And one another your answer – I m interested in this sentence
So what we know is that viruses are present but what we do not know is that all these viruses are inert and non-infectious.
So it manse the inhibition exist, but we don’t know can it inhibit all virus in saliva to 100 %, so there could stay some particles – is it so?
Adding to it the most important factor is that our saliva contains lot of enzymes which are inhibitory to the HIV virus. These enzymes stripes off the portion of the HIV virus and therefore the infectivity of the virus is declined to noninfectious stage.
This is the most important of the fact observed in most of the researches as well clinical observations that saliva was not able to spread the infection. The sole most important reason is the inhibitory potential of the enzymes present in it. So even if there is high number of viruses detected in saliva it does not mean that the viruses are infective one. Our saliva makes all these viruses inert. So what we know is that viruses are present but what we do not know is that all these viruses are inert and non-infectious.
And you say –
In your case I can get that you got exposed to the saliva of HIV person in the eye. Our conjunctiva and cornea do not have any open wound and even if the viruses were present then first thing is that the infective dose is not reached and over whatsoever the viruses present do not possess the infective potential.
It manse that – even I get a small saliva in my eye during for example the conversation of HIV person – my eye mucous membrane immunity will protect me !
So I should not run away and wash my eye – it would be impossible to do it in every case !
About that you say I must go and test !
I have done it already – AND IT IS NEGATIVE !
I think I must calm down !
For example a cant test for all the time – because in society all the round people have unprotected sex of unknown HIV status partner, and they don’t infect others in just casual contact like speaking with someone ( and hit the eye with small amount of saliva) even early stage when HIV viral load is high. Then we would see a lot of NEW infected people , BUT we don’t
So it is one the most important evidence – that there is no case of HIV transmission by saliva eye contact even HIV viral load in saliva HIGH !!
Thank you very much !!
No case of HIV transmission by saliva eye contact
Detailed Answer:
Hello young man,
Welcome gain to the forum and thanks for your follow up.
First and foremast I am really happy to know that you are now relaxed to know the facts regarding your kind of exposure and no chance of infection by the same.
As for fact I already guided you that in quite anxious patients I suggest to go for RNA PCR as a last resort to convince them and I have never seen any positive case by your kind of exposure in my patients.
Your negative test is yet another example in my experience list. As guided before HIV virus is made inert by the salivary enzymes. Irrespective of how many of virus particles are presnt in saliva all of them are unanimously made inert by the salivary enzymes.
I personally liked your logic of "social exposure of so many people with unknown or positive status with least of newly exposed people in this scenario".
What HIV people require is not our sympathy but our love and not segregation. Me and my nursing staff have worked round the clock with HIV infected people and it is quite usual in initial time period to have fear of HIV in attending these HIV infected people. But you know God has created such a remarkable balance that HIV can happen though certain specified means only. That is why we are able to work with them so freely.
So finally I do agree with you young man "that there is no case of HIV transmission by saliva eye contact even HIV viral load in saliva HIGH".
Give love and care to your friend who requires from all of us.
I hope these informations will help you. I will be glad to help if you have any further queries or if not then can close the discussion and rate the answer.
"Wish you good health"
Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
(MD- Dermatology & Sexually Transmitted Diseases)

im gone write you
thank you
Most welcome for all your queries
Detailed Answer:
Hello young man,
You are most welcome to ask any further of your queries.
I will be glad to answer all.
With good health wishes,
Dr Sanjay

You didnt answer to some qestion !!
as i understad it becouse - you dont now some things or it is very hard to say them !
Is it so ?
1.For example
So is it true that there should be about 100 HIV infective particles to transmit the disease ? As i wrote you
In one diploma work there was mentioned that it should be only 100 viral particles to transmit HIV compared to C hepatitis where only 10 particles could transmit disease ! Can it be true?
Is it so than you need more HIV virus particles to get infection compared to C hepatitis? Because C hepatitis is ten times more infective – this is because there is usually more C hepatitis virus in blood, or because C hepatitis is more infective as virus itself ?
Similar to HCV, whole saliva from patients with HIV infection may be infectious. It has been postulated that only 100 viral particles might be required for infection (http://www.rki.de). Nevertheless, the exact infective dose has not been determined yet.
Or it is very har to say how HIV particles is need to trasmit disease !!??
2. And if i get small saliva spilit in eye with HIV particles - what will hapen !
my tears and eye imunity will kill it ??
It manse that – even I get a small saliva in my eye during for example the conversation of HIV person – my eye mucous membrane immunity will protect me !
So I should not run away and wash my eye – it would be impossible to do it in every case !
3. In some publication it is showed that HIV could be found in high viral laod in saliva !
And it is said that -
Increased viral load in seminal plasma, cervical fluid, breast milk, and, potentially, saliva, likely contributes to increased transmission risks.
And you can look in FIG 1
HIV is known to be transmitted via semen, breast milk, cervical secretions (reviewed in reference 21), and, to a lesser degree, saliva
4.About the inhibition rate you can see in this publication Fig.1
You can see that inhibition is in level close to 100 % and could be in low level becose the inhibition level is declined !
In the early stage when imune sitem is not damiged if saliva viral load is high and inhibition is close to 100 % the virus infectivety is close to 0% ??
5.And also Bacteri in mouth inhibit HIV – one more protective mechansim !!
We showed that recombinant protein HGP44 derived fromPorphyromonas gingivalis, one of the primary infectious agents of periodontitis, was capable of inhibiting HIV type 1 (HIV-1) replication. HGP44 bound specifically to HIV-1 gp120 and blocked HIV-1 envelope-mediated membrane fusion. These findings suggest that HGP44 of P. gingivalis can inhibit HIV-1 infection by blocking HIV-1 entry.
6.And when imunity is damiged the saliva inhibition rate decrease
Decreasing SLIP levels decrease inhibition rate
Depletion from SLPI filtered saliva produced a corresponding loss of inhibitory activity. In general, filtered whole salivas obtained from 10 donors had antiviral activities that correlated positively with SLPI concentrations. However, some samples having SLPI well below the concentration required for inhibitory activity in vitro exhibited modest inhibition, suggesting the presence of other anti-HIV-1 components in oral fluids. Thus, SLPI is a major but not sole inhibitor of this virus in saliva
. Such disease as (oropharyngeal candidiasis ) and low CD4 cell account decrease SLIP levels
A significant interaction between low CD4 count and oropharyngeal candidiasis experience was detected in the linear regression model predicting the salivary SLPI value as a continuous variable (P = 0.004, Table Table2).2). The graph for the interaction is shown in Fig. Fig.2.2. According to this linear regression model, salivary SLPI levels among participants with a positive history of oropharyngeal candidiasis are predicted to increase with increasing CD4 counts. The opposite trend of lower salivary SLPI level with increasing CD4 count, however, is predicted among those without a history of oropharyngeal candidiasis. These results support the odds ratio heterogeneity between salivary SLPI strata identified in the bivariate analyses described above and suggest that salivary SLPI levels are modified by immune status and candidal experience.
7.And there is case when a bite trasmited HIV but it was large bute with a large amount of saliva ! They said that there was no blood in saliva but only saliva !!
And there has been case when HIV could be transmitted with saliva without blood by human bite – but of course no one has been close to say that there was no blood
And after 6 week of potential infection HIV status saliva was examined as viral load 2405 copies/ml
The case presented here is of a primary HIV infections following a human bite where in the saliva was not blood stained but it got smeared on a raw nail bed of a recipient. The blood and saliva of the source and blood of the recipient showed a detectable viral load with 91% sequence homology of C2-V3 region of HIV gp120 between the two individuals.
Clinical examination of (Mr.X) revealed that his oral hygiene was good, absence of oral ulcers, caries no bleeding in gums. There were no physical injury, cuts or scratches occurred during the argument. The patient consulted his family physician who did not advice PEP, as salivary transmission of HIV is rare and negligible.
Our observations revealed transmission of HIV infection from the smear of non-contaminated saliva of [Mr.X] on the raw and bleeding nail bed of (Mr.A) To conclude, the family physician should have taken PEP decision after proper
evaluation of the severe and bleeding bite. Hence it is necessary to treat the HIV infected human bites with post exposure prophylaxis.
8.I think in all place where it is said that high viral laod saliva can trasmit HIV they mentioned in case when a large amount of saliva is trasmited !!
For example during the bite, or oral sex !
I dont think HIV sasliva smal splash in eye could trasmit HIV !
Is it becaouse the infection material 1 mm³ contains too less HIV particles even HIV viral laod is very high, a very small amount of infectios materilal wont be enough to trasmit HIV ??
And all the publication where it is said that a high viral laod saliva could be potentional infective material it is not mentioned as a small saliva eye contac is it so ??
Do you know some publication where it is said that a high viral laod in saliva wont be infectios material ! It will help me becouse i could see that despite that HIV could be in saliva in high viral laod it is not a infectios material !!
Thank you for your help !!
Good health to you
Mutiple factor in Saliva inhibit HIV viruses
Detailed Answer:
Dear young fellow,
Welcome to the forum again and thanks for your further follow up.
I have gone through complete of your follow up query and can make out that you have researched a lot on the subject of saliva causing HIV. I must tell you that not even my post graduate students do such tough search as you have done--hats off.
You must have got enough of knowledge regarding the possibility of transmission of HIV by saliva. But our knowledge regarding all the modes of transmission is still not complete. Each and every day we do so see so many researches being going on for multiple aspects of HIV and we find one or the other new information.
Our internet is full of innumerable articles regarding HIV and it is beyond our point of discussion as we find millions of articles. It is not possible to read and comprehend each and every article completely but what we are able to know is the crux of the material present on net as well as in our clinical meetings in our journals and clinical experience too.
I am giveing a reference of very good article which tells about the inhibition of HIV by saliva:
"The oral cavity represents a unique site for mucosal transmission of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Unlike other mucosal sites, the oral cavity is rarely a site of HIV transmission despite detectable virus in saliva and oropharyngeal tissues of infected persons. One reason for this apparent paradox is the presence of endogenous mucosal antiviral factors. Innate inhibitory molecules, such as virus-specific antibodies, mucins, thrombospondin, and soluble proteins, have been identified and partially characterized from saliva. A recent addition to the growing list is secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI), an ∼12-kDa non-glycosylated protein found in serous secretions. Physiologic concentrations of SLPI potently protect adherent monocytes and activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells against HIV-1 infection. SLPI levels in saliva and semen but not breast milk approximate levels required for inhibition in vitro. Characterization of SLPI and other endogenous antiviral molecules may enhance our understanding of factors influencing mucosal HIV-1 transmission."
The mode of transmission of HIV is very clear including blood to blood, sexual and mother to fetus. The rest of the modes including saliva are only been quoted as rarest of rare instances and only as some of the reports only.
So you should not direct yourself towards the rare events and in our context saliva exposure to eye has never been reported in literature. You yourself have confirmed that the testing shows your clear status adds to further confirmation of above.
Even if we consider saliva causing HIV by even splash on eye (where there is very minute amount of saliva is exposed) or even by kissing (where there is lot intermixing of saliva) then half of this world would have had been suffering from HIV- which is actually not!!
So I suggest you to relax yourself and do not give a second thought regarding any rare possibility. Even if you are so much worried then I suggest you to use plane spectacles during public meetings so that you are not afraid of any rare possibility.
I hope these informations will help you. I will be glad to help if you have any further queries or if not then can close the discussion and rate the answer.
"Wish you good health"
Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
(MD- Dermatology & Sexually Transmitted Diseases)

i realy like that you dont make stress but think in logic way !
so about the first qestion as i understand you dont know how muc HIV particles is neede to trasmit HIV - you havet read it!
is it so ?
1.For example
So is it true that there should be about 100 HIV infective particles to transmit the disease ? As i wrote you
In one diploma work there was mentioned that it should be only 100 viral particles to transmit HIV compared to C hepatitis where only 10 particles could transmit disease ! Can it be true?
Is it so than you need more HIV virus particles to get infection compared to C hepatitis? Because C hepatitis is ten times more infective – this is because there is usually more C hepatitis virus in blood, or because C hepatitis is more infective as virus itself ?
Similar to HCV, whole saliva from patients with HIV infection may be infectious. It has been postulated that only 100 viral particles might be required for infection (http://www.rki.de). Nevertheless, the exact infective dose has not been determined yet.
Or it is very har to say how HIV particles is need to trasmit disease !!??
About inhibition rate in early disease stage in saliva it is closer to 100 %
becaouse imune sistem works well ??
2.About the inhibition rate you can see in this publication Fig.1
You can see that inhibition is in level close to 100 % and could be in low level becose the inhibition level is declined !
So basicly - we can say that saliva in arly stage when HIV viral laod in saliva is high will be inhibited and 500 0000 copies/ ml of saliva wont trasmit HIV by saliva eye contact
It will be logic !!
I think it is too much to wear protecting glass -
As you said - there is no case in a world during all these ages when small HIV saliva eye contact could trasmit HIV - even HIV viral laod is high as 500 000 copies/ml so it means saliva protecting mechanims works !!
And the qestion - is it imortant how much infective HIV material you get exposex - for example small saliva 1 mm³ will have less chance of geting HIV than large amount ! Thats why a bite with large amount of saliva can trasmit HIV and there are case in literature, but no case of very small saliva eye contact HIV transmision !!
It is logic
And all cases when blood and eye contact trasmited HIV are very few and there was large amount of blood and eye mucouse membrane contact !!
And as you mentioned those who write about high viral laod saliva poslibility to trasmit HIV is related to rare cases when saliva trasmited HIV, but no case of HIV saliva eye trasmison. IS it so ??
Thank you very much about your help !!
I understand if you think to much you can get afraid of every thing - and i some case it is better to stop thinking to much un just to rest and dont think about these things!
Im just logic person - but at the same time thinking to much and it makes things to complicate
in a past i had risk of HIV trasmison like unprotected sex with unknown persno, and bloody fight but now i have i child and wife - and i want to protect them
and im thinking too much -
but as you said i must understand ther is no case in world when saliva eye contact trasmited HIV so it is most important evidence !!
I find some thing in internet and think about them to much !!
and it push on my mind !!
im thinking about it !!
But i kow if you know to much it is hard - and if you read too much in medicine you can get sick just from thinking that you have everything what you XXXXXXX - and that you can get every disease in any time, but in real life it doesnt hapen !!
Thank you very much what you do !!
let all good enery with you
My all good wishes for your healthy life ahead.
Detailed Answer:
Hello young fellow,
Welcome again to the forum and thanks for your follow up.
Regarding your further query about number of viral particle causing HIV- There are different of study models showing different number of HIV particles causing the infection. SO the number is variable and can not be quoted as one particular index. You will find so many different references with so many different numbers.
You are correct in your observation form various different articles that in some models even 100 particle have shown to cause the infection.
But our main consensus is whether or not HIV transmissible by salivary splash on eye or not, which is probably now crystal clear. I have gone through all the articles and references quoted by you and must say that your kind of efforts are extremely good which only a research scholar can do. If you are not in medical field tehn should think about it because of your analytical mind towards this.
You must now completely relax regarding rest of any issues and should not give any second thoughts.
My all good wishes for your healthy life ahead.
I will be glad to help if you have any further queries or if not then can close the discussion and rate the answer.
"Wish you good health"
Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
(MD- Dermatology & Sexually Transmitted Diseases)

Now I think I m very close to harmony with your help !
Because my character – I must understand every thin and I must be sure about important things !
I hope very much that you will say YES to my logical opinion – why very small saliva eye contact wont transmit HIV even viral load is very high - and I will find my harmony. (I hope very much that you will say YES – that I m right)
Now I understand that a very small 1mm³ saliva and eye contact wont transmit HIV because there will be too less HIV viral particles!
For example if saliva viral load is 20 000 copies/ ml and inhibition level is in average 75 % but could be more 90 % or more, the number 75 % is because some decline inhibition level and so decline average inhibition ( because immune system is damaged) there are 5000 HIV particles (20 000 /4=5000) and if I get a very small saliva in eye 1mm³ will be 1000 times less amount of saliva than in 1 ml( that is 1cm³)
So if I divide 5000/ 1000 – I get only 5 HIV particles! And it will be to less to infect me !
And even viral load in saliva is 100 000 copies/lm in this scenario I get only 25 HIV copies and this is also to less amount of virus to infect me ! Epidemiology data prove that – no case of saliva eye contact even viral load is high!
This is reason why no one in the world have not infected HIV from casual contact – like sneeze, cough or talking to someone if small spit of saliva get in your face and in eye ! There will be too less HIV particles in such case even HIV viral load is high !
Important thin is how much of HIV material you get exposed, the larger amount of HIV is much more risk than a very small amount.
And eye mucous membrane has also protecting immune system form infection.
The reason why bite can transmit HIV is because a large amount of HIV material get in blood stream and more HIV particles, and the virus is exposed direct to blood stream.
Thank for your help very much !!
Harmony to you !!
You really have a research based mind
Detailed Answer:
Hello young fellow,
Thanks for your follow up and I must say that you have quite analytical logical mind. You really have a research based mind and that is why you were bit anxious regarding the incidence of salivary exposure. Nevertheless by all this event you came to know across a whole series of new things which would be quite helpful anyways.
I do not know your present occupation but I must also say that you can do a lot of good things in some research based activities.
I am also really happy that you are now completely relaxed about the whole issue. I must also thank you for understanding the whole of my suggestions intelligently.
I will be glad to help if you have any further queries or if not then can close the discussion and rate the answer.
"Wish you good health"
Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
(MD- Dermatology & Sexually Transmitted Diseases)

Thank you for your help !!
Sorry that I didn’t answer immediately !
As I understand from your answers you agree with me ??
I m in science and research field !
That’s why I m very accurate !!
So can you please say short – YES ( I hope you gone say YES )
Please say short 3 YES end it puts the end !!
OR Just say one BIG YES – and I m in my harmony !!
1. Now I understand that a very small 1mm³ saliva and eye contact wont transmit HIV because there will be too less HIV viral particles!
For example if saliva viral load is 20 000 copies/ ml and inhibition level is in average 75 % but could be more 90 % or more, the number 75 % is because some decline inhibition level and so decline average inhibition ( because immune system is damaged) there are 5000 HIV particles (20 000 /4=5000) and if I get a very small saliva in eye 1mm³ will be 1000 times less amount of saliva than in 1 ml( that is 1cm³)
So if I divide 5000/ 1000 – I get only 5 HIV particles! And it will be to less to infect me !
And even viral load in saliva is 100 000 copies/lm in this scenario I get only 25 HIV copies and this is also to less amount of virus to infect me ! Epidemiology data prove that – no case of saliva eye contact even viral load is high!
YES ??
2. This is reason why no one in the world have not infected HIV from casual contact – like sneeze, cough or talking to someone if small spit of saliva get in your face and in eye ! There will be too less HIV particles in such case even HIV viral load is high !
Important thin is how much of HIV material you get exposed, the larger amount of HIV is much more risk than a very small amount.
YES ???
And eye mucous membrane has also protecting immune system form infection.
The reason why bite can transmit HIV is because a large amount of HIV material get in blood stream and more HIV particles, and the virus is exposed direct to blood stream.
YES ???
Just understand that you help me very much
I send you a good energy !!
Tank you very much!!
HIV do not spread by sneeze, cough or talking
Detailed Answer:
Hello young fellow,
Welcome to the forum again and thanks for your follow up. I am really overwhelmed o know your scientific knowledge as well as as science and research background.
The very first thing is "BIG YES TO ALL OF YOUR INTERPRETATIONS". You are quite correct in all of scientific interpretations. Though it is not published yet as in the manner you have deduced the calculations but we know that every new research starts from one or the other crisis. So I give you all my best wishes to intorduce somthing new to this world. The systematic way you have deduced all your findings are extraordinary.
So let us spread this message to the world that HIV do not spread by sneeze, cough or talking to someone.
My all best wishes for your bright future ahead.
I will be glad to help if you have any further queries or if not then can close the discussion and rate the answer.
"Wish you good health"
Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
(MD- Dermatology & Sexually Transmitted Diseases)

Thank you for your help !!
How did you mean this statement ??
I am really overwhelmed o know your scientific knowledge as well as as science and research background.
I work in biomechanics field !!
And other statement!
The systematic way you have deduced all your findings are extraordinary !
I think my conclusions and the way how I solve the problem is logic !
I would like to help to world with this finding that you agree with the biggest pleasure!
Good luck to you !!!
Do continue the logical thinking- good work
Detailed Answer:
Hi young fellow,
In our forums of health we barely get such elaborate queries. Most of the times the queries do not require additional readings. In your query I went through each and every reference quoted by you. Though it is my usual habit to read medical research related topics every day, but your references were so pinpointed that I was myself overwhelmed to see your scientific knowledge gained by these article, comprehending these and then further confirming all of these facts from my side.
I barely get such kind of intellectual queries where "in the sea of knowledge the pearls are picked up". As got from your previous mail that you are from science background so you understood the facts properly. I again want to tell you that the way you calculate and interpreted the whole thing are actually not done in any type of our medical researches.
In our clinical knowledge we doctors each day we learn new things and accordingly I must say you have opened a new insight by your calculations.
So I reciprocate the same good energy to you for your research field.
I do agree with all your logics and wish you best of your future.
With best of wishes,

Thank you !!
So the statement –
The systematic way you have deduced all your findings are extraordinary.
You men in good meaning – that my logic thinking has helped to look on this thing from different XXXXXXX add to help explain some things?
The best feeling from my side that I have done something good!!
I hope this my logical conclusion will help to all people !!
Good luck to you !!
Best of luck for your future
Detailed Answer:
Hello young man,
Now you got it correctly this is what I wanted to convey. It was really nice talking to you. I wish best of luck for your future.
I will be glad to help if you have any further queries or if not then can close the discussion and rate the answer.
"Wish you good health"
Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
(MD- Dermatology & Sexually Transmitted Diseases)

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