Does The Burning End After Ureter Is Stretched? Suggest The Medication To Relieve The Discomfort?
Are there any meds that will alieve the discomfort?
No,stretching of Ureter is not involved in burning
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
Based on facts that you have posted it appears that you have burning while passing urine. If you can describe your condition in detail, I will be better able to help you.
First of all I would like to state that burning is a voiding symptom and is mainly due to infection or narrowing of the urethra and infection of the bladder. The function of the ureter is to drain the urine from kidney down in to bladder and has no role to play in any voiding symptoms like burning, increased frequency, etc.
Assuming that you have burning while passing urine.The burning that you have could be due to what is called as post menopausal Urethral stenosis the natural process where all the genito-urinary organs get atrophied after the menopause. This causes narrowing of urethra resulting in incomplete emptying of the bladder and stagnation of urine in bladder which gets infected and leads to burning urination.
The stretching of the Urethra (Urethral Calibration) helps in widening the urinary passage
(Urethra) which helps in emptying the bladder completely and thereby to prevent infection and to relieve burning.
However this dilatation of urethra has to be continued with Clean Self Intermittent Catheterisation every day at home so as to keep urethra wide open .
Please consult qualified urologist for clinical assessment and further treatment.
Hope I have answered your query. If you have any more questions please feel free to ask me I shall be happy to help you.
You had Chronic UTI.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up
Based on the facts that you have posted I can say that all the episodes of UTI are due to incomplete emptying of the bladder due to Post Menopausal Urethral Stenosis.
Please consult qualified Urologist for clinical evaluation.
An endoscopic calibration of Urethra will definitely help you in resolving this long term problem.This is very simple procedure which gives satisfactory results and can be carried out under local anaesthesia as a day care procedure.
Thanks and regards.