Done AST And ALT Tests, Taking Tylenol For Headache. Family History Of Non-alcoholic Cirrhosis. Are The ALT Levels Of Any Concern?
AST: 2008:22, 2009:27, 2011:27
ALT: 2008:31, 2009:38, 2001:41
I do take Tylenol almost daily for headaches from heat or to help me go to sleep if I'm too wired. I usually have a beer for dinner but I'm concerned most because my brother has been diagnosed with Non-Alcoholic Cirrosis. Are the ALT levels of any concern and the fact that they continue to rise?
Thank you for writing in XXXXXXX
The rise in your ALT levels is extremely marginal or negligible. Even day to day variations can cause it. The rise has to be significant to merit further investigation.Another aspect which requires your attention is that it has to be co related to other parameters of liver function both hematological as well as radiological.
If you are completely asymptomatic and all your liver function tests are within the normal range then you need not worry.
Non alcoholic cirrhosis is usually due to viral hepatitis , fatty liver or noncirrhotic portal fibrosis.This will be picked by USG as well as by hematological investigations.
Mild beer will not cause much damage. But tylenol can induce damage if taken on a regular basis. I hope this answers your question.
With regards