Drinker. Have Had Anal Leakage With Blood And Mucous. Could It Be Internal Hemorrhoid?
I want to congratulate you for entering the rehab
and fight alcohol addiction. I cannot state this any
stronger than to, please do whatever it takes to
quit drinking. AA is very helpful.If you have to go
on medications, seek the help of a clinical
psychologist or a psychiatrist.
Now, as for seapage, you may have problem with
your sphincter muscle that controls defication.
If you have XXXXXXX hemorrhoids,essentially a bunch
of veins that are blocked, with straining, they can
protrude out.Since they are irritated, oozing occurs.
Also,if you have retained stool higher up, because
of impaction, you can have leakage.
You can try taking stool softener such as Surfak
one or two daily with a full glass of water.
You do need to see a proctologist who can examine
the sphincter and also check the hemorrhoids
and treat it properly.
Start taking fiber supplements daily.
I really pray that you quit drinking for good.
Wish you well.