Drug Test Showed Methadone. On The Suboxen Treatment. Any Relation?
Suboxane has buprenorphine and nalaxone and it generally doesnt cross react with methadone during drug assessments. However afterall its a machine and things may go wrong. I think you should discuss the possibility of false negative in your tests a showing all the drugs you are on and your doctor wilk not mind helping you.
Other way is normally its the urine which is tested, you can offer other samples like hair as well for the tests. That may improve your chances of coming clean.
Most certainly you will come negative for the next drug tests if you are clean from your side. So dont panic at this stage.
Over the counter sleep med is something you can consider that may distinctly interact with methadone.
Hope that helps
Dr. Srikanth Reddy
I am sorry but unfortunately none of the drugs that you have stated has a tendency to cross react with methadone.
The sleep medicine that you take prn is the only drug that is still possible to crossreact.
I am sorry as I was not of much help. But I seriously cannot help it as there is possible for cross reaction.
Dr. Srikanth Reddy