ECG Result Showed Contour Abnormality Consistent With Anteroseptal Infarct. What Does It Mean?
Welcome to Health Care Magic
ECG has many limitations.
The wave has certain contours normally.
Some forms are not usual and occur in certain disease states.
Antero-Septal infarct means a heart attack in the front portion of the heart – Myocardial Infarction (MI). A contour consistent with it does not necessarily mean heart attack.
A pattern suggesting this can occur in several situations – Hypertrophy of the Left Ventricle (LVH) / Cardiac muscle disease - especially Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardio Myopathy (HOCM) / Coronary artery Disease (CAD) resulting in heart attack / sometimes, placing the recording electrode in wrong position can be the cause!
Cardiac markers (enzymes) will show if the attack is new.
ECHOcardiogram will show HOCM / wall motion anomalies in MI.
Exercise ECG (if necessary with radio-isotope thallium) will show adequacy of the blood supply to the heart (CAD) – physiology.
The gold standard in CAD is Coronary Angiography – but it is invasive.
Non-invasive alternative is CT see the anatomy
So on, so forth.
You need not take any treatment for this finding alone.
It is the patient we treat – not the ECG.
Proper treatment needs proper diagnosis
Proper diagnosis needs proper investigations - you need more investigations.
See a cardiologist – repeat the ECG / do the cardiac enzymes / do the ECHO.
Based on the results, plan for other things...
Take care
Wishing speedy recovery
God bless
Good luck
The treatment depends on the diagnosis!
Diagnosis demands further investigations!
If it is an infarct, you will need angiography, for favour of further assessment and assistance.
Medicines are baseline.
If technically feasible, angioplasty may be done - depends on the slocation, extent and severity of the lesion.
If not feasible, bypass surgery may be needed.
Even if surgery is dine, medicines will have to be continued.
Acute means a few hours / recent - a few days / Old a few weeks or more.
Infarction may be without symptoms in a diabetic.
Annual check up is advisable.
Risk factors should be analysed.
All the best
Glad to know that further assessment is planned.
All the best
Good luck
God bless you