EKG Shows Possible Anteroseptal MI. Should I Worry About It?
Thanks for your query.
Changes on an EKG could be due to an old attack, since you say you had a full cardiac work up 6 months back including a stress test which were normal.EKG changes can be of two types--changes of ischaemia and changes of infarct. The former can sometimes be normal, but the latter is always significant.
Sometimes there is a minor attack that gets compensated by new blood vessel formation in the heart which can explain your work up being normal 6 months back. What is important is to find out whether these changes were present 6 months back or not. If similar changes were absent six months back,any changes now should be taken as significant and you should have a regular work up again.So do find out if the changes are fresh or old.
Hope I answered your query.
The prolonged QT can be due to hypothyroidism, but anteroseptal myocardial infarction does not cause a prolonged QT interval typically.
However, an automated system reports cannot replace an expert reading the EKG and I would suggest that you see your primary care physician for the same.
I hope I have answered your query. Please accept my answer if you have no further queries.