Elevated Sed Rate & Glucose In Tests, Born Premature, Intermittent Leg Pain, Coughing, Abdominal Pain & Headache.Had Jaundice.
Thanks for writing.
I feel your niece has some behavioral issues which are pretty normal for children in this age group. Abdominal pains and leg pains are commonly seen at this age, and mostly nothing serious is found even on detailed investigations. A normal development in spite of premature birth at 27 weeks is quite reassuring.
Sedimentation rate is very non-specific and rarely used nowadays for clinical diagnosis apart from a few conditions. ESR of 37 is not too high and may be because of a low-ish hemoglobin (You have not mentioned her hemoglobin levels).
Glucose level of 138 after feeding is within normal limits, there is nothing specific to do for it at this time.
The cancers in her family have all occurred at an elderly age and I don't think there is a syndrome working here.
At this point she just needs to be followed up by her pediatrician and probably a child psychologist/counselor if need felt.
Hope I have answered your query. Please accept my answer in case you do not have further queries.
Yes, cough in small children may be due to dust allergy or allergy to any particulate matter in the home, including mould.
If the cough is persistent, she may need allergy tests.
Otherwise, maintaing a dust-free environment at home may suffice.
Hope this answers all your query. Do accept the query if you do not have any further queries.
Wish you and your niece good health