Enlarged Spleen And Liver, Biopsy Done, Diagnosed With Follicular Lymphoma, Chemotherapy. Survival Chances After Treatment?
Thanks for writing to us.
I am trying to provide you the answers you needed.
1. The enlargement of liver and spleen can be reactionary also. They do not seem to be involved means malignant cells have not infiltrated them. Exact cause and extent of involvement can become clear only after whole body scan for secondaries and MRI of abdomen.
2. The Non Hodgkins Lymphoma has very good chances of recovery with the help of chemotherapy but follow ups are required every six months to find out any possible relapse.
3. If it is a single lymph node involvement with an intact capsule then it comes under Stage I.
4. Prognosis depends upon many factors like the type of lymphoma, the extent of spread (staging), and response to therapy. If treated properly at right time, life expectancy is good.
5. No body can predict death. We talk in terms of five year survival in case of Non Hodgkins Lymphoma and not mortality.
6. Recurrence rate depends on the extent of disease and how regularly you have followed the treatment guidelines given by your oncologist.
7. The chemotherapy may affect her fertility to some extent, but that can be cured. Depression and anxiety are common among the survivors.
I hope my answer and recommendations are adequate and helpful.
I will available for your further follow up queries if any.
how are you?
please I have another questions, please I need your accurate and detailed answers, I will appreciate your helping me ...
the diagnosis is follicular lymphoma ...
1- if relapse happens, will this mean lead to death?, (keep in mind that I will do follow check up every four months)
2- the doctor said it's advanced stage, but the liver and spleen is not involved ...
can you tell me please why it's advanced stage and the liver & spleen not involved?
3- biopsy has been taken to see if the spinal cord involved or not? what do you expect? can you tell me if there are signs if the spinal cord involved ? or the bone marrow?
4-about life expectancy, do you mean the most people AFTER SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT will live about five years ( as a rate) ??? or without treatment??? please i need your detailed answer here please, she will become my wife ...
5- about side effects of chemotherapy, Depression and anxiety will it become Mild? Moderate? Severe? is there any medicine will cure her depression and anxiety?? (if there is a medicine, what are the side effects ??
6- Does the chemotherapy affect her sexual desire after successful treatment ( I mean after one year of treatment)?? (detailed answer please doctor)
7- the course of the chemotherapy is only three months, is this a good sign that the disease is mild??
8- what are other chemotherapy side effects after treatment after one year??
9- she is now under chemotherapy medicine, please can you guide me a medicine that to prevent hair loss without side effects??
10- is there any futuristic medicine that will cure this disease, or makes the patient live longer??
please my doctor, I need your help for answering these questions, I will appreciate your helping, I will not forget your help,
Thanks for writing again.
1. If relapse occurs, follicular lymphoma is difficult to stop from progressing further and 10- year survival rate decreases.
2. The liver and spleen might be enlarged due to partially obstructed lymphatic outflow but cancer cells are not found in their biopsies. Advanced stage means may be the lymphoma is still growing in spite of treatment.
3. Spinal cord involvement can be earliest detected by biopsy before appearance of symptoms like back pain or collapsed vertebra.
4. Life expectancy is more than 10 years if she is fully treated.
5. Psychological side effects vary from person to person and cannot be predicted.
6. Yes it can affect sexual desire and fertility both.
7. After three months it will be assessed how much disease is left. It can be extended also.
8. Hair fall, blood disorders, anemia, etc will be there.
9. You can't stop the hair loss. The hairs will regrow over a period of 1-2 years if she is cured.
10. Whatever medicines are there , she is getting them. gene therapy might help further. But these are still under trials.
Hope my answers are helpful.
Wishing your fiancee an early recovery.