Epithelial Cells In A Urine Test, Colony Count 20 And FBC, Mch 34.0. Recent Ct Scan Reported 1cm Bile Duct. What Does This Mean?
1. what are epithelial cells in a urine test and what does that mean to me, clean specimen jar used for collection.
2. colony count 20 hi and bacteria many present as per report
3. recent ct scan reported 1cm bile duct ? again was does with mean to me
4. FBC , mch 34.0Hi ?
1. Epitelial cells in urine isnt indicating any pathology in most cases. It is usually sign that you didnt take mid-stream urine collection so some amount of urethral wall cells came into your urine sample.THis shouldnt worry you,just next time to know you need to wait few seconds while urinating and then collect your urine.
2. it means that there is significant amount of bacterias and this is abnormal finding. It can suggest infection or only urinary contamination. If you have symptoms such as burning pain while urinating, pain in abdomen and lumbar area or frequent urge to urinate,you might have urinary infection( cystitis or kidney infection). In this case it should be treated by antibiotics so consult your GP about it.
3.Bile duct is usually sized 4-8mm,but even 1cm can be found without specific pathology. It can indicate previus stone in bile duct or gallbladder but if there is no other pathology on CT scan such as gallbadder stones, biliary tumors, cirrhosis and if your liver enzymes are normal, you dont have to be concerned. YOu should just do gallbladder ultrasound in 6 months for follow up.
4. This is upper limit of normal range and if your eritrocites count and hemoglobin are normal then this isnt indicating any disease. If there is low red cell count then it can be mild macrocytic anaemia. But I also suggest to repeat the test in 6 months and see the progression. By that time, eat B12 and folate XXXXXXX food.
WIsh you good health. If you have any questions I ll be glad to help. Regards