Excess Sputum, Breathlessness, Clamping Chest, Irritation Of Voice Box. Clear Chest X-rays. What Is It?
Thanks for posting your query.
Kindly answer the following details:
1) Are you a smoker and alcoholic?
2) Do you have acidic belching/ abdominal heaviness/ abdominal bloating/ excessive flatulence/ burning sensation in abdomen and chest?
3) Does your cough occur more during abdominal upset?
4) Does your cough occur more during day time or during night?
5) Have you taken advise with respiratory physician? What was their opinion?
You are most likely suffering from gastro-esophageal reflux disorder (GERD).
Cough with persistence sputum may arise from lower respiratory tract (lungs and bronchioles) or may arise from upper respiratory tract (throat, trachea).
As mentioned by you, your chest x XXXXXXX and breathing test was normal, so there is least chances of lower respiratory tract involvement.
There is high possibility of recurrent inflammation by refluxed acid.
You should consult with physician and should go for endoscopy.
You may have peptic ulcer disease/ gastritis and may have normal endoscopy.
You should take proton pump inhibitors with prokinetics (on written prescription) for relief of your symptoms.
You should also follow dietary changes:
1) Avoid tomatoes, citrus fruits, onion, garlic, tea, coffee, chocolates, oily and spicy food.
2) Take soft diet with yogurt.
3) Keep difference of 3 hours between meals and sleep.
4) Wear loose clothes.
Put your queries if you have.
Best regards,
Dr. Mayank Bhargava