Experiencing All Over Body Itchiness And Tingling. Blood Test Normal. Diagnosis?
Diabetes, Vitamin B12 deficiency
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for choosing XXXXXXX Sensation of pins & needles usually signify some abnormality in liver or thyroid, as your liver & thyroid functions are normal, and considering your age I advise you to get your blood sugar examined i.e fasting & post-prandial values will tell about your deranged blood sugar levels. Because diabetes can also present with these symptoms, fluctuating blood sugars can affect the nerves and causes Neuropathy.
Anaemia due to Vitamin B12 deficiency can also present with similar complaints, hence I usually give CYANOCOBALAMIN - INJECTION as emperical treatment for my patients.
Stress can also be a contributing factor, hence you need to be stress free, avoid excess coffee or tea, avoid alcohol. Eat lot of green leafy vegetables, low fat diet, exercises and physiotherapy might be very helpful.
Get your depression under controlled, as it can be a contributing factor.
I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. In case of any doubt, I will be available for follow-ups.
Thank you,
Wish you good health.
Dr Arif
You can consult me again directly through my profile