Experiencing Belching, Sharp Pain Under Rib-cage. CT Scan And Ultrasound Done. What Is The Problem?
Thanks for posting your query.
1) Your doctor is right, you are most likely suffering from acute viral gastroenteritis. Presence of loose stool & excessive belching, abdominal bloating and pain indicates some sort of infection.
2) Kindly mention the type of abdominal pain. Presence of spasmodic abdominal pain suggest infection.
3) Although your lipase is raised but acute pancreatitis is diagnosed only when these levels are 3 times raised above the normal level. Pain in pancreatitis is increased after taking meals and not associated with excessive belching.
4) Yes, inflammation of gall bladder may occur in absence of stone and this is called as acalculous cholecystitis. This condition is more common in terminally ill patient and not associated with excessive belching and bloating.
5) You should avoid all milk & milk products (cheese, butter, yogurt).
6) You should take treatment for gastroenteritis.
Put your query if you have.
Best regards,
Dr. Mayank Bhargava