For about seven weeks, I have often been smelling chemical smells, initially like a mixture of acetylene, parafin/kerosene fumes, gas fumes, and similar, and some others. Occasionally there were hints of acetone - leading me to worry about diabetes. Sometimes, typically on waking, the smell similar to ashes, similar to the inside of a house with a firplace. On one of the first occasions, these (real or imaginary) smells were accompanied by a sickening headache. More recently, the acetone-like component of the smells is stronger and on the night before last, this was accompanied by stronger dizziness/skewed balance & nausea in the head (?) - this was after a reasonably large meal. In the last day or two I have also had aches (not pains) in my left arm, hand or/and fingers. The mystery smells seem to be associated with either how recently I ate or how full my stomach is. I associate the first occurrence with eating several bags of dried fruit (perhaps more than 600g) over two or three days. I am worried about diabetes, a digestive infection (though the smells differ from when I have had gastroenteritis), a sinus infection or something worse. Of course, I should visit a GP asap. However, what do you suspect?