Experiencing Heart Burn, Mild Burning Discomfort On Penis Tip And Anus. Have Left Sided Varicocele
Thanks for your query. Based on the facts that you have posted, it appears that you have burning sensation of urination after ejaculation.
During erection and ejaculation, there is increased blood flow to penis and urethra. The entire urethra remains congested for few hours even after ejaculation. Moreover, the thick semen remains deposited in urethra for some time. This thick semen causes obstruction to flow of urine while passing urine immediately after ejaculation, giving rise to burning sensation.
White sediment in urine is due to chronic UTI. Considering the pain at the tip of the penis and around anus (Perineum), is most likely to be due to Chronic Prostatitis.
Please consult a qualified Urologist for clinical and Digital Rectal Examination( DRE) to confirm the diagnosis.
He may advise you to get following investigations done
1) Routine Urine test and Urine culture.
2) Ultrasound Scanning of the abdomen to rule out or confirm Prostatitis.
3) Microscopic examination of urethral discharge after prostatic massage.
If your symptoms are proved to be due to prostatitis, you may have to take broad spectrum antibiotics for 2-3 months to combat infection of the prostate.
Symptom of heartburn is likely to be due to Hyperacidity which can be controlled with H2 receptor antagonists.
Left sided varicocele (If painful) can be treated with simple painkillers like Brufen .
Hope I have answered your query.
Please feel free to ask if you have any more questions I shall be happy to help you.
Thanks with Regards.