Extreme Pain On Right Side. Had Massages. Is There Anything To Relax The Muscle?
Wear and tear injury can be treated with drugs
Detailed Answer:
Hello XXXX,
Thanks for posting on XXXXXXX
I am sorry for your troubles and what you might be enduring with the pain but do not despair as there are several treatment options available.
Your right-sided pain is mostly due to wear and tear injury i.e long term use of muscles and bones of that side can lead to gradual wearing-out, which can lead to nerve and muscle pain.
I would have loved to know exactly what right side of your body is paining i.e right shoulder, right chest, right upper abdominal quadrant, right flank, right illiac fossa etc as the different location will be able to help me decipher with good probability which part of your body might be affected. As the pain might have a treatable cause and ones it is not treated, you will keep experiencing the pain irrespective of the pain killers or muscle relaxants such as Cyclobenzaprine, Carisoprodol, Methocarbamol etc. The pain might basically be of nerve origin, hence require specific antineuralgic medications to deal away with the pain. Some antidepressants such as amitrityline can help treat such chronic pains.
Do let me know which part of the body is hurting and I will be able to help you further.
Hope this helps and wish you the best.
Dr. Nsah