On Celexa For Anxiety. Having Burning Sensation In Forearms, Hands And Feet. Having Muscle Pain. Suggest?
Thanks for posting on XXXXXXX
Well your symptoms are not very typical to any particular diseases. Given your age, anxiety is the most likely reason for your present symptoms coupled with mild wear and tear injury due to excess activity. How ever, it is possible that you might be suffering from a peripheral neuropathy probably due to vitamin B12 deficiency.
You will need to see a neurologist who can run some test, examine you, determine the cause and provide you with an appropriate treatment.
You could be placed on another anxiolytic and antidepressant that can help with both the neuropathy and the anxiety.
At your age, I believe you should worry less about little problems that just occur from time to time on your body. You could help yourself with some meditations and counseling from a health care practitioner.
Hope I was helpful and please feel free to write back with further questions.
Dr. Nsah
Thanks for posting,
Fibromyalgia is an unlikely possibility because of your age. It mostly affects older people and your symptoms are not typical of fibromyalgia.
You might be suffering from severe depression which leads to anxiety disorder. I suggest you should book an appointment with a neuropsychiatrist who can handle both your pains and psychosocial disorder.
Anyways, I hope you take the right decision that your condition could be evaluated in time for proper treatment.
hope this helps
Dr. Nsah
I am certain you are not having any of those diseases and all of them are all in your head.
Just relax and see your GP as soon as you can for evaluation.
Hope this helps
Dr. Nsah