Eye Pain, Taken Artificial Tears, Wear CPAP Mask, Have Type 2 Diabetes, Sleep Apnea. Tear Duct Infection?
Thanks for your query.The problem appears to be more likely to be the blockage of tear duct.This can be of various grades acute ,sub acute or chronic.Usually you are supposed to have some amount of excessive watering preceding this.Chances of you having a infection of this nature increase due to diabetes, even if blood sugar is controlled.
What you can do to now for proper diagnosis? The swelling at the angle of the eye may keep on increasing as the time passes. Any antibiotic drop when put in the eye passes into the throat within a few moments. If this happens then our diagnosis is wrong.
What can you do to help? You can give hot fomentation to the area. Heat up a hanky on an iron and dab on the area for 5-7 minutes. You can also put in antibiotic drops 4-5 times a day.
Once we have a confirmed diagnosis the treatment is oral antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain swelling and infection. Otherwise there is pus formation which bursts through the skin.
Back to your query one the chances of this being a tear duct infection is about 70 %
Irrigating the eye with water in such cases does not help. Instead you can opt for antibiotic drops with local GP.
A confirmation of diagnosis by proper consultation is needed.
I hope i have answered all your queries fully ,in case there is any other problem please do get back to me.