FNAC Report Shows Granulomatous Lymphadenitis. What Is The Conclusion Of The Findings? Treatment?
Smear show diffusuvely scattered mature Lymphocytes along with a few reactive lymphoid cells and histiocytes. There are several loose aggregates of epitheloid hystiocytes forming granulomas. However cessation necrosis is not seen.There is no evidence of Malignancy. Above finidings are suggestive of Granulomatous Lymphadnitis.
What is the conclusion of the findings? what treatment should be started?
Thanks for posting your query.
The conclusion of the FnAc report is as follows
1. The lymph node used shows granulomatous changes which are mainly caused by chronic bacterial or viral infections like tuberculosis , cat scratch disease etc or sarcoidosis or malignancy(cancers ).
2. There is no feature of malignancy ( cancer ) and tuberculosis seems less likely( no caseation necrosis ) seen.
3. The treatment would depend on your clinical history and examination along with all reports ( blood test and FNAC ).Further confirmatory test like excision biopsy of the lymph node might be done if needed.
In India most of the granulomatous lymphadenitis are found to be due to tuberculosis so if there are any other positive findings like high ESR , positive tuberculin test , history of contact etc then it is advisable to start anti Tb treatment ( AKT ) given as daily tablet for 6 months.
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