Facing Abnormal Bowel Movement, Unable To Gain Weight And Have Loss Of Appetite. What's Wrong?
I have read your query with diligence. I do not see a major health concern here and you are quite young for it too.
Your symptoms mostly seem to be due to lack of diet hygiene.
You must eat healthy and easily digestible foods. Make sure you eat fruits everyday - an XXXXXXX orange or any fruit that you like. Include one or two bananas in your dinner. These will increase the fiber in your diet and will help in formation of normal stool. Drink plenty of water. Try not to eat spicy and high fat content food. Take more vegetable salads.
To find out the exact cause of your problem, you may consider getting a colonoscopy done. It is done by a surgical Gastroenterologist.
You should eat frequently, less quantities and lighter foods. Break your meals into 5 smalls meals rather than 3 big meals.
I am sure that there is nothing wrong with you medically.
Follow these for some time and you will surely see a healthy increase in your weight.
Let me know if you have more concerns.