Facing An Optic Nerve Problem. Getting Blurred Vision. Not Cured By Medicine. MRI Normal. Prognosis?
Thanks for sending your query to us.
First of all we have to come to a tentative diagnosis for such visual loss.A young person does not loose vision like this and there has to be a reason for this.
This problem is under the area of neuro ophthalmology.So this can be a problem in the brain or optic nerve,which are in continuation.
in such sudden painless visual loss in young person i would keep the possibility of demylinating diseases.
It is important to reach a diagnosis because the problem may effect the other eye and such neurological deficit may occur any where else in the body.
go through her reports carefully if the optic atrophy is primary or secondary and are there any associated findings and consult a neurologist to look for any systemic findings,
Please let me know of location of your city so that i can guide you to a proper physician.
Please do get back to me in case of any further query in this regard.