Fatigue, Loss Of Appetite, Vomiting, Weight Loss, Numbness, Tingling, Breast Pain
Date: 8/1/11, (12/9/10 blood work in paraenthesis)
WBC 9.3 (10.0), SEGS 75.9 (high) (78.4 high), Lymphs 16.3 (low) (15.5 Low), Monocytes 5.8 (4.3), Eosinophils 1.4 (1.1), Basophils 0.6 (0.7), Bands 0.0 (0.0)
RBC 4.81 (4.40), Hemogolobin 14.7 (13.5), Hematocrit 45.6 (42.9), MCV 95 (98), MCH 30.5 (30.6), MCHC 32.2 (31.4), RDW 11.9 (12.5), Platelet Count 274 (242)
Would any of my blood work be alarming in anyway for breast cancer?
Thanks for writing to us.
First of all let me reassure you that your blood test results are almost normal and do not indicate any serious medical disorder.
Second main thing is that diagnosis of a breast cancer is never made based on the blood report. Breast examination and mammography followed by FNAC of any possible lump is the way to know the diagnosis.
The symptoms you are having are generalized and need proper examination and overall assessment for diagnosis.
Please visit your physician to undergo physical check up and also to undergo relevant investigations required in your case.
Till then you can take over the counter available anti emetics and methylcobalamin supplements for symptomatic relief.
I hope my answer and recommendations are adequate and helpful. Waiting for your further follow up queries if any.