Fatigue, Red Spots On Abdomen And Inner Thigh, Not Itching Or Painful. What Is This Caused From?
Thanks for writing in.
On the basis of symptoms it seems you are suffering from a viral infection. An initial phase of fever, fatigue and rash gradually settling down in next few days is suggestive of viral infection. It could be influenza, infectious mononucleosis (caused by viral infection ) or Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (viral infection which leads to formation of antibodies against platelets). At this time, we would need to run some tests for you like a complete blood count. This can be expected to get better. However, do not take any aspirin or other pain killers. For the fever, you can take Tablet acetaminophen 400 mg as and when required ( upto 4 times daily). Also, plenty of fluids and small, frequent meals are required. Please see your physician to get a complete blood count ordered. Also, keep a tab for any kind of bleeding from the nose, gums, or in the urine.
I hope this answers your concern. Do let me know if further information is required from my side. with regards
Ravinder Sharma