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Dr. Dr. Ravinder Sharma , M.B.B.S., M.S. (ENT), Neurotologist
ENT Specialist
Brooklyn, New York, USA

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Contact Details
New York
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Professional Details
State Licence Number/NPI
State/Board registered with
Lucknow Medical Council
ENT Specialist
Years of experience
Patients seen per week
Procedures done per week
Specific Skills and Interests
Managing Vertigo, Routinely doing all ENT surgeries likeTonsillectomy, Adenoidectomy, M&G, Septoplasty, Septorhinoplasty, Microear surgery, Endoscopic sinus surgery, Tumours of nose and paranasal sinuses, Surgery for sleep apnoea syndrome, Microlaryngeal surgery 

Education Details
Degree earned
Name of the university
Meerut University 
Residency / Post graduation
Year of post-graduation
Degree earned
M.S. (ENT)
Allahabad university/MLN Medical College 
Fellowship / Specialty Training
Year of fellowship
Degree earned
SGPGIMS Lucknow 

Other Details
15 years plus of work experience in teaching hospitals and Medical Colleges
My last appointment was as Professor in ENT at Subharti Medical College, Meerut 
Life Member UP AOI
LifeMember AOI
Life Member Neurotology and Equilibriometric society of India 
Other professional achievements
•Ex Professor ENT at Subharti Medical College, Meerut, India
•Clinical atatchment in Paediatric Otolaryngology at St. George's Hospital, London, UK and at Aurora Bay care Hospital, Green Bay, Wisconsin, US
•University examiner for MBBS & MS ENT examinations in India
•Organized state level annual meeting of ENT surgeons in UP, India in 2009
•Chaired scientific sessions and participated in panel discussions in state level conferences in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakahand
•Consistently associated with research and medical education in teaching institutions in India and Nepal
•About 25 publications in national and international indexed journals
•Written book “MCQs in ENT with explanatory answers” for MBBS students (Jaypee Publishers)
• Passed PLAB test , PLAB OSCE and MRCS part 1 examination (RCS ed). IELTS score - 7 on a band of 9
• Passed USMLE step 1, Step 2 CK and Step 2 CS and possess a ECFMG certificate.

1.Ravinder Sharma, S.C. Gupta, Isha Tyagi, Sanjay Kumar, Kanchan Mukherjee. Study of abnormal brain stem evoked responses in diabetes mellitus. Indian Journal of Otolarynogology and Head & Neck Surgery, July – Sept. 2000 ; 52(3) : 223-229.

2.Ravinder Sharma, Isha Tyagi, Gopal Achari, Kumudini Sharma, Raj Kumar. Angiofibroma Surgery and Visual Improvement . Indian Journal of Otolarynogology and Head & Neck Surgery ,Jan. – Mar. 2003; 55 ( 1) : 100 – 105.

3.Ravinder Sharma, Isha Tyagi, Deepu Banerjee, Rakesh Pandey. Nasoethmoid Schwannoma with intracranial extension. A case report with review of literature Neurosurgical Review 1998; 21: 58-61.

4.Raj Kumar, Ravinder Sharma, Isha Tyagi. Spontaneous evacuation of Cerebeller abscess through middle ear. A case report. Neurosurgical Review,1998; 21 : 66-68.

5.Kanchan Mukherjee, Deepu Banerjee, Ravinder Sharma. Symptomatic pineal cyst with intracystic and subarachnoid hemorrhage. Report of a case and review of Literature. British Journal of Neurosurgery 1999; 13 (2) : 189-192.

6. Ravinder Sharma, Isha Tyagi, Raj Kumar, R.V. Phadke. Tuberculosis of Skull bone. A case report with review of literature. Neurosurgical Review 2000; Jun 23 (2): 104-6.

7. Chandrakant Pandey, Ravindra Sharma, Arvind Baronia, Anil Agarwal, Namita Singh. Live leech in larynx. An unusual cause of respiratory distress. Anaesthesia Analgesia, 2000; May 90 (5) : 1227-28.

8. Singh AK, Agrahari KN, Baitha S, Sharma R, Reddy NS, Talwar OP. Oncocytoma of the nasal
cavity. A case report. Journal of Nepal Medical Association, Jan –Feb. 2003 : 42-43

9.Sharma R, Singh AK, Shambhu B, Reddy NS. Maxillary sinus schwannoma. extending to orbit .
Journal of Nepal Medical Association, March- April 2003 ; Vol 42 No. 146: 100-103.

10 Singh AK, Sharma R, Baitha S, Reddy NS, Talwar OP. Laryngeal Schwannoma. Acase report. Journal of Nepal Medical Association, May- June 2003 ; Vol. 42 : 168-169.
11.Sharma R, Abraham AL, Shetty D, Kumar A, Singh A, Reddy NS. Subcutaneous emphysema : A rare complication of Tonsillectomy. Journal of Nepal Medical Association, Jan – Feb 2004, 43: 38-39

12. Kumar A, Singh AK, Shetty D, Abraham AL, Sharma R, Reddy NS, Talwar OP. Ameloblastoma of the maxilla. Journal of Nepal Medical Association, Mar – April 2004 ; 43 : 97-99

13. Ravinder Sharma, Isha Tyagi, C.K. Pandey, Vini Tandon. Oropharyngeal Leiomyosarcoma. A case report . Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, July- September 2004,Volume 56 ; No. 3 : 230-232

14.Ravinder Sharma, Isha Tyagi . Ameloblastoma of maxilla with intracranial extension. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Special issue II, 2005 : 570-572.

15.Ravinder Sharma, Isha Tyagi, Vini Tandon, N. Krishnani. Fibromatosis of Intratemporal fossa. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, Special issue II, 2005 : 548-550

16.Sanjay Kumar, Ravinder Sharma, Amresh K Saxena, Anita Pandey, Prachi Gautam, Rajiv Jain. A Study of Bacterial flora and sensitivity to antibiotics in cases of CSOM TTD in western UP. Indian Journal of Otology Volume 14, 2008 ; 20-24

17.Ravinder Sharma, Isha Tyagi, Raj Kumar Allergic Fungal Sinusitis : A Case Series with review of literature Journal of Association of Otolaryngologists of India - UP Chapter Volume 11, October 2009, ; 12-20

18.Sanjay Kumar, Ravinder Sharma, Amresh K Saxena, Deepti Bansal Primary Oropharyngeal Tuberculosis: A case report with review of literature. Asian Journal of Ear Nose and Throat October- December 2009; 18-20

19.Ravinder Sharma, Sanjay Kumar, Rajiv Jain, Amresh K Saxena Oropharyngeal Lipoma : a case report with review of literature Asian Journal of Ear Nose and Throat October- December 2009 ; 22-25

20.Ravinder Sharma, Prachi Gautam, Sanjay kumar, Rani Bansal, Poonam Elhence and Gaurav Gupta Isolated cysticercosis cellulosae of sternocleidomastoid muscle. A case report and review of literature Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck surgery July 2011, 63 Suppl 1 S127-S130

21.Prachi Gautam, Ravinder Sharma, Ashish Prakash, Sanjiv Kumar, Vivek Taneja Assessment of middle ear function in patients of cleft palate treated under “ Smile Train Project Indian Journal of otology July 2011, Volume 17, Issue 3; 105-108

22. Ravinder Sharma, Sanjay gaur, Prachi Gautam, Roopesh tiwari, Ambika Narain, Taruni Lalchandani A study on hearing evaluation in patients of chronic Renal Failure July 2011, Volume 17, Issue 3; 109-112

23.Sanjay Kumar, Ravinder Sharma, Amresh K Saxena, Anita Pandey, Prachi Gautam, Rajiv
Jain.Microbiology of infected unsafe CSOM . A case series Journal of Association of
Otolaryngologists of India - UP Chapter Volume 11 October 2009 ; 5-11

24.Sanjay Kumar, Prachi Gautam, Ravinder Sharma, Vivek taneja Etiological factors for Pediatric sensorineural hearing loss Indian journal of Otolagy October 2011: Volume 17 , Issue 4 ; 162-165

25.Ravinder Sharma, Prachi Gautam, Sanjay Gaur, Sanjay Kumar , Evaluation of Central neuropathy in patients of chronic renal failure with normal hearing Indian journal of Otology: Volume 18, Issue 2; 86-90

1. Sharma R. (1995, October). Study of abnormal brain stem evoked responses in diabetes mellitus.
Oral Presentation presented at: at XV Annual Conference U.P. Chapter A.O.I at LLRM Medical College; Meerut, India.

2. Sharma R. (1998, January). Angiofibroma : Visual Impairment and Post operative recovery.

3. Oral Presentation presented at: 50th Annual Conference of Association of Otolaryngologists of India; Delhi, India.

4. Sharma R. (1999, March). Skull Base Surgery : 8 years experience at SGPGIMS, lucknow. Oral Presentation presented at: XVIIIth Annual Conference of UP Chapter AOI; Jhansi, India.

5. Sharma R. (2010, March). Advances in screening, diagnosis and classification of carcinoma larynx. Oral Presentation presented at: Second meerut Oncocon; Meerut, India.

6. Sharma R. (2008, February). Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome. Oral Presentation presented at: CME, Subharti Medical Education Unit; Meerut, India.

Reviews for Dr. Dr. Ravinder Sharma (28)

Very Good,Thank You Doctor..
Written by : MayengbamSun, 14 Jul 2013
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