Feel Like Going To Toilet After Meal, Passing Liquid Stool, Taken ORS. May Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Thanks for posting your query.
There are two types of IBS.One is diarrhoea type which you are having and another is with constipation.
In case of IBS the intestine become hyperactive and when there is any form stress to the body, mostly mental stress the symptoms aggravates and you have problems.
What you should do at present is
>Have plenty of fluids
>Take light diet, more of liquids like soups, juices etc.
>Find out the reason for stress if any you have.
>Take rest.
>Continue with ORS.
>In case the frequency is very much you may need anti motility drugs to stop them.
>consult your physician in case you have some other problem like pain in abdomen, fever, vomiting etc.which may point towards possibility of associated infection.
Along with all this, please try yoga and meditation in routine which will surely help in your condition.
Have habit of taking regular meals, avoid fast and over eating.
I hope this helps
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Good to hear from you again.
The drugs that you have mentioned are antibiotics and should not be taken unless you have some infection. They will not have any effect in the absence of infection.
You can take some home remedies like black coffee etc.
Anti motility drugs are normally available over the counter, still it is better that you get it prescribed from your doctor.
Please do try non medical measures first.