Feeling Sharp Pain In Lower Stomach When Breathing, Moving Or Sitting. How To Get Relief?
I feel a sharp main on my lower right stomach. It is not regeuler. If I press the area I feel no pain. It sometimes happens when I breathe or move around. It also happens when I am sitting.
Thanks for the query.
There are various causes for pain in lower abdomen which include appendicitis,kidney stones,trapped gases,constipation,muscular pain etc.
But except muscular pain all other types of pain are associated with some or other symptoms like nausea,vomiting,loss of appetite,burning in urine,fever etc.
However if no such symptom is present then most likely it is pain due to sprained muscle in this region, due to over exertion in exercise or other physical activity. Trauma induced pain is an obvious diagnosis, especially if it occurred recently.
I have a feeling that you are suffering from sprained muscle since you have not complained of any other symptom besides pain on movement or breathing.
Take adequate rest,don't exert physically and take some anti inflammatory and muscle relaxant medicine.
You should be all right soon.However if you don't get relief or pain aggravates and some associated symptoms develop,then you are advised to consult your doctor for proper examination,diagnosis and treatment.
I hope to have answered your query however you may revert to me for any further query.
Best of luck