Feeling Stomach Cramps, Gas, Lower Back Pain And Sensitive Body. Which Disease Am I Suffering From?
Stomach cramps, gas, lower back pain, body sensitive to touch, temperature elevated to 101. Generally feel crap and hard to focus on stuff. Have not got diarria and have not vomited.
Not sure of which category to select show picked "General Health"
Thanks for posting on health care magic
You have mentioned in your past history that you have been diagnosed with prostrate enlargement on medication .The associated symptoms you have mentioned may be due to acute prostatitis or inflammation of the prostate.
Symptoms of acute prostatitis may include the following:
Fever,lower back pain,lower abdominal pain,perineal pain,pain and burning in urination
,urinary retention,pain with bowel movement & gaseous distension.
I would suggest you to visit your physician or urologist to confirm the diagnosis prostatitis or find out any other cause
You may be advised to undergo investigations like urine examination , ultrasound of abdomen focused on prostate and kidney , urinary bladder and blood investigations.
The condition can be managed by some antibiotics and antispasmodic analgesics.
I hope i have answered all your queries .If you have any more doubts feel free to post again.If you do not have any more questions kindly accept my answer.
God Bless
My enlarged prostate situation is pretty stable at present as best I can tell. I am not suffering from pain or burning when I urinate. I have no pain with bowel movements or perineal pain.
would this change your answer?
Its really difficult confirming a diagnosis without examining a person and without getting the concerned investigations.it is not essential that you have all the symptoms.I had just enumerated the spectrum out of which few symptoms may guide to the diagnosis.Even if the prostate condition of yours is stable, it can be possible to develop inflammation of prostate. I would still point in the same direction what I have mentioned in my last reply.Kindly visit your urologist and get yourself examined .
I hope your query had been answered.if you have more doubts kindly repost I'll be happy to help.if you don't have more questions kindly accept me answer
God bless