Frequent Dizzy Spells Usually During Eating, No Harm With Light Snacks. Serious?
Thank you for your query.
Yes, it is indicative. Digestion is complex process and after every meal various hormonal and neural processes are activated and this effects whole body including brain. So in some people this reaction and increased levels of pancreatic and gastric hormones lead to dizziness, fatigue, headache, breathing difficulties etc. This isn't strange and uncommon symptom even at your age.
So there are several possible causes: Postprandial Hypotension.
This is a drop of blood pressure after eating a meal because blood flows to digestive system. It can be found in people who have usually low blood pressure or during the periods.
Next one is gastritis,
Dizziness and fatigue after eating meals are common symptoms of gastritis. You should avoid excessive eating of oily foods, overeating, alcohol intake, and drinking strong coffee or tea, carbonated drinks including pepsi.
Thyroid Gland Disorders, policystic ovaries and emotional Factors such as worry, stress, tension, grief, and depression are also common causes of your symptoms,and should be considered if nothing is found.
There are certain foods that can cause one to feel dizzy after eating so try to avoid this and see will your condition improve: Fatty foods like milk, meat, cheese, mayonnaise and shortening Raw food, Fried junk foods like corn dogs, and French fries, Salty food like chips, pretzels, salted nuts, deli meat and cold cuts, Baking powder, Alcoholic beverages.
Also for home treatment avoid skipping meals, especially breakfast. It is advisable to eat small meals but more frequently(5-6 times per day).
Avoid drinking soda and other carbonated drinks with meals.Cola, pepsi, beer and sweet beverages can trigger excessive hormonal release.
Drink water or other healthy beverages such as lime juice or fresh fruit juice.
I am sure you will feel better if you follow my recommendations. If this isn't helpful you should check your stomach by gastroscopy and check your blood hormonal levels because certain medicines might be needed.
Wish you good health. If you have anything to ask I ll be glad to help.
Patients describe various symptoms, physical and psychological as you are and you don't have to think that you are the only one.
Try to figure out is there any emotional stress and factor in last week. Also did you start taking some other food or drinks or medicines. If your symptoms persists there is a possibility of hormonally active tumors; so you should do at least liver, adrenal glands and pancreatic ultrasound to verify this. But I am sure your condition will stabilize soon if you just change your dietary habits a bit.
Hope this answers your query. Let me know if you need clarifications.
Common side effects of Loestrin are nausea, vomiting and headache; but the less common are dizzines, vision changes, even halucinations. Side effects can manifest any time.
You should consider switching the medicine and take another one or use some other birth control methods. If your symptoms don't subside after this then you should look for cause in some conditions I have mentioned above.
Wish you good health.