Gained Weight. Retaining Water. Stomach Swollen. Suffer Night Sweats. What Can Be Done?
Detailed Answer:
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You are having generalized edema. You need blood tests to rule out common conditions that can cause edema. Also you will need to start treatment to reduce the water retention.
First we need to know whether the edema is pitting or non-pitting type. To assess that you need to press your skin for a few minutes near the lower end of shin. On releasing if the skin goes back to normal, then it is non-pitting type and the cause can be hypothyroidism. If the skin remains pitted for some type, then the cause can be kidney, liver or heart. There can be other causes too.
When diarrhea and edema are present at same time, you may be losing proteins and that may be causing edema. Also electrolyte imbalance may occur.
These causes can be easily ruled out with the help of blood tests, ECG and ultrasound of abdomen. Thus you need to see a doctor to get the physical examination and tests done.
Treatment for pitting type will be aimed at reducing the fluid retention with the help of diuretics. Again you will need a prescription for this medicine.
For non-pitting type of edema, treatment is usually directed at the cause.
I hope I was able to give some insight to your condition. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr Vaishalee