Gall Bladder Scan And Blood Test Showed Negative For Celiac Disease. Feeling Uncomfortable. Any Ideas?

Thanks for writing in.
I am a medical specialist with an additional degree in cardiology.
I read your question with diligence. There are some ways with which you can control this symptom.There is almost no person that does not feel that from time to time. In some people it is caused bu chronic colitis, in others it is just the last meal. But the good news are - It is quite curable.
Let's start with the causes and what can be done for each:
1. Water you consume.
Tap water
We put it everywhere. In the coffee, tea, soup, most meals that need boiling etc.
Tap water means fluorine or chlorine, depending on what part of the world you live.
Tap water needs to be left for few hours in open air, so the cleaning chemicals evaporate.Good practice is to have 5 liters (~2 gallons) put aside for cooking and drinking. Don't be afraid it will go "old" or stale.
Put good water filter in the kitchen or buy a water jug with filter
2. Enough Sleep
Insomnia or not enough sleep. When your body is sleep-deprived, it does not function well. Fatigue in the whole body can also lead to digestive problems.
It is proven, that sleep deprivation can make you obese even without changing of your eating habits. Your body tries to replenish the energy missing from good sleep with food. Sleep at least 7 hours and add 20-30 minutes for falling asleep itself (get to bed a bit earlier with a book or a tablet). Drink warm tea and let yourself doze naturally.Your body is incredibly easy to program. If you need to get up at 7 and you get to bed at 11 PM - your sleeping pattern will be accepted by your body in less than a week and you will get sleepy around 11 PM.
You may not believe this, but even a tight belt can make your intestines gurgling and your mouth burping. Relieve your belly by loosening the belt after meal. It is not that gross for the others around you. And your belly will be happy. Leave it some breathing space for at least 2 hours after a meal. If you are a girl or young woman that is going to deliver soon and your kid is hitting you often with his little feet and elbows, you may get the same effect and even frequent acid refluxes.
It is quite normal. Don't worry
4. Fast food.
Remove fast food. I mean it. It sucks. Replace it with home made sandwich with XXXXXXX ham, lettuce, tomato and cheese between 2 slices of whole grain bread and season with savory. Make enough of these and get them with you. Eat only one and when really hungry. Let 20 minutes pass and decide if you need another. Drink herbal teas such as mint or st. John's wort (rinse your mouth with warm tea after meals). They are excellent for every day.This sandwitch has everything you need. Carbs, proteins and fat. Dozens of vitamins and enough fiber to make your digestive system happy.
5. Immobilization
Let's admit it. We are cubicle slaves. Normal human needs to be on foot 8 hours every day. Our stomach also works better, when we are not bent, sitting or laying.
Meteorism, gurgling, burping, constipation ...If your work needs you to stay in the office, you need to stretch and walk every 35-40 minutes. Go get a fax or a print in the farthest office machine. Walk to a colleague for a quick talk about a task instead of mailing or skyping. 2 times a week go to a gym or a pool and have a good 1 hour exercise. Park your car (get off from the transportation) 2 blocks away and walk to the office. Stop using elevator. I promise you, you will feel the difference in 2 weeks.
6.Teeth and mouth hygiene.
More bacteria in the mouth - more bacteria in the intestines. Rotten teeth = gastritis. If Your bite may also need to be straightened by a dentist or you may need to chew a bit more before swallowing the food. (golden rule - one chew for every tooth (~36 times))
7. Parasites.
•They are everywhere.
•When a parasite enters your system, the first place is goes is the stomach.
•Wash your hands every time you are about to eat.
•Wash after you visited the WC.
•Wash after you worked with your keyboard.
•Clean everything you are about to put in your mouth
Been sick and drinking antibiotics literally KILLS all the stomach micro flora.
Some of the bacteria in the stomach helps you with digestion.
You will be amazed with how many small helpers you live in peaceful coexistence inside you. Even a harmless E. Coli lives inside you. All the time. Never take a pill that you don't really need. And if the damage is already done - Have a course with pro biotics.They are good even for healthy people. If you live around the Balkans - the best and most affordable probiotic is yogurt.
9. Diet
Diet smart.
Very often a new fad diet deprives you of carbs or fats or proteins.
Some are even more restrictive (only fat or only proteins or only carbs).
Diet needs to be prescribed by a professional dietitian and followed for only as long as he tells you to diet.
If the diet is bad for your stomach and you feel heavy and tired, you better stop it and speak with a gastroenterologist about the condition.
Not every diet works on all people. We are all different.
The best diet is the one that leaves you still-a-bit-hungry when you finish your meal, but 20 minutes later you are quite well and feel a stream of energy from the food instead of that feeling of sloth, just hanging-there-and-willing-to-do-nothing.
If your meals make you sleepy - they are not for you.
10. Rapid weightloss
... Is unhealthy by all means.
Why do you need to shed 20 pounds in 1 month?
What stopped you shedding 5 pounds every month this last winter?
Weightloss of 6-8 pounds per month is the only good and healthy diet plan.
More can be done only with surgery or starvation.
And this is far from healthy.
And your body will complain instead to conform with you.
11. Drinks.
1 glass of wine is okay.
1 bottle is not.
If you are heavy drinker, try to quit or limit the drinks.
Digestive enzymes and stomach micro flora are destroyed by excess drinks.
It is really - Up to you.
12.Laxatives and purgatives.
Use only natural ones and remember - your intestines will still gurgle like a water fall. But this is what they are supposed to do in this case.
•Fig fruits.
•Plum fruits.
•And if your system can take it - Senna fruits and leaves. They are very potent purgative, so use with care.
Enough said. If you know more ways to relieve upset intestines and stomach - please feel free to comment. Or write a followup query I will be too happy to answer.
With Best Wishes
Dr Anil Grover,
M.B.;B.S, M.D. (Internal Medicine) D.M.(Cardiology)
http://www/ WWW.WWWW.WW

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