General Overview Of Blood Tests. Advise?

TSH 1.13 mU/I
T4 libre 14.6 pmol/l
Ac anti nuclearies (ANA)
sur cellules HEp-2 par IF <80 Titre (<160)
XXXXXXX test de confirmation 3.6 Index (<2.0)
Ac anti ADN natif <10 Titre (<10)
AC anti nucleosomes (EIA) 1.6 U (<20.0)
AC anti nucleoproteines depistage (FIA) 0.2 Index (<1.0)
Ac anti CCP 0.32 MOC (< 1.00)
3 U/ml (<9)
CRP Ultra Sensible 0.4 mg/l (<5.0)
Albumine (immunologique) 42.6 g/l (35.0-52.0)
Fonction hepatique
ASAT (GOT) 16 U/I (<35)
ALAT (GPT) 10 U/I (<50)
y-GT 14 U/I (<39)
Phosphatases alcalines 62 U/I (30-104)
Sodium 139 mmol/l (132-146)
Potassium 4.1 mmol/l (3.5-5.0)
Fonction Renale
Creatinine 58 umol/l
Uree 2.85 mmol/l
Urates 292 umol/l
Proteines totales 70 g/l
Fonction Pancreatique
16 U/I (<53)
Metabolism Osseux
Calcium Total 2.34 mmol/l (2.10-2.60)
Calcium corrige (vs Albumine) 2.27 mmol/l (2.10-2.60)
Bilan Urinare (U-Spot)
Chimine urinaire
Aspect trouble
Couleur ambre
Densite 1.020
pH 5.0
Leucocytes 0
Nitrates 0
Proteins 0
Glucose 0
Corps cetoniques 0
Urobilinogene 0
Bilirubine 0
Sang 0
Sediment urinaire/champ microscopique
Erythrocytes 0
Leucocytes 1-4
Cellules pavimenteuses 1-4
Cellules rondes 0
Mucus ++
Bacteries +
Levures 0
Trichomonas 0
Cristaux 0
Cylindres 0
(0 absence, + rares ++ quelques +++ nombreux, ++++ tres nombreux)
Hemoglobine 147 g/l (120-160)
Hematrocite 0.43 l/l
Erythrocytes 4.59 T/I
MCV 94 fl
MCH 32.0 pg
MCHC 342 g/l
Leucocytes 5.0 G/L
Reparition leucocytaire
Neutrophiles segmentes 48.0 % G/I
Eosinophiles segmentes 7.0% G/I
Basophiles 1.0% G/I
Monocytes 10.0 % G/I
Lymphocytes 1.70% G/I
Thrombocytes 287 G/I
Vitesse de sedimentation
Vitesse apres 1 heure 8 mm
Chimie Clinique
Indice d hemolyse negative
Indice d ictere negatif
Indice de lipemie negatif
metabolisme des glucides
Glucose 4.66 mmol/l
Electrophorese des proteines
Proteines totales 70 g/l
Albumine (immunologique) 42.6 g/l
Rapprt albumine/globulines 1.55
Albumine 59.4
Alpha 1 globulines 3.9%
....soit 2.7 g/l
Alpha 2 globulines 8.5%
......soit 5.9 g/l
Beta 1 Globulines 7.4%
.......soit 5.2 g/l
Beta 2 Globulines 6.1%
........soit 4.3 g/l
Gamma globulines 14.7%
..........soit 10.3 g/l
Thanks for posting your query
Your thyroid function tests are normal.This test is done to know functioning of thyroid gland in relation to pituitary gland and hypothalamus in brain XXXXXXX test which is also known as antinuclear antibody test is done to rule out autoimmune disorder.In your case titre of XXXXXXX is little bit higher but sometimes we may get false positive XXXXXXX Otherwise anti DNA test in your case is absolutely normal.
Liver function test that is SGOT,SGPT,BILIRUBIN, SERUM PROTEINS including hemoglobin are within normal limit.I want know normal laboratory reference range for creatinine level and glucose .Electrolytes and metabolic tests are normal.
I hope i have answered your query. I will be available for further queries if any.

Can I ask about pancreatic function as well?
As for Creatine it says
58 umol/l (53-97)
And Glucose
4.66 mmol/l (3.90-6.10)
The weird part I dont understand is, I have been diagnosed years ago with an autoimmune disorder and have definitive physical issues, and periods where pain has been so bad I have not been able to get out of bed and move properly. I get severely mottled skin up my legs, arms and body, and struggle with migranes and gastrointestinal issues. Yet this test seems to say I am in perfect health. This for me is even more concerning as I would like to get things solved and work towards health, and its hard when there are clear symptoms with no reasons.......
Thanks for your query.
I am sorry if I had missed interpreting few test values in my primary report. The test reported is mentioned in non-english language which I do not understand clearly.
Any way pancreatic functions are assessed by looking at serum amylase, serum lipase, blood glucose and ultrasound / computed tomography (CT). If there is high suspicion secretin stimulation test, fecal elastase levels, fasting insulin levels are assessed. Some centres also do a non invasive Magnetic Resonance (MR) hydrometry. You might talk to one physician who understands your native language. If you can let me know if they are normal or abnormal then I can assist you further.
As far as your other symptoms are concerned, in view of insignificant blood tests I would like to suggest you to consult rheumatologist who will evaluate you clinically and can advise you regarding further management.
Depending on these tests one cannot comment about diagnosis; it is possible only after clinical examination.
Hope this helps. Feel free to ask further queries if any.

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