Getting Headache, Metallic Taste In Mouth, Weight Loss, Hair Loss. HPT Negative. What Is Going On?
Its a good idea you are taking appropriate measures already with respect to your weight. Hormonal changes are often the commonest causes of hair loss in women. Thyroid dysfunction is a common cause of hair loss. Child birth and some nutritional deficiencies could also explain hair loss. A due to gastroesophagal reflux disease, or influx of acid from the stomach into the mouth. This might be accompanied by pan in the upper region of the abdomen, usually at nigh or early hours of the morning. The difficulties you experience could be aided temporarily with the use of lubricants. Persistence of the pain might warrant reevaluation by a gynecologist.
The commonest cause of irregular menstruation or delayed periods in women is pregnancy. But in anovulatory cycles where an egg cell is not produced, under influence of particular drugs and stress, it is not unsual to experience either delays or more frequent menses. But a good pregnancy test, repeated two after the first must always be done to exclude the possibility of a pregnancy.
I suggest you consult a dermatologist for the hair loss problem for a proper evaluation. Consider that thyroid disease could be part of the causes. Using lubricants during intercourse might help but persistence of unusual intense pain should make you take an appointment with a dermatologist. Do another pregnancy test, preferrable using blood B HCG measures in a good hospital setting to rule out or confirm the possibility of a pregnancy.
Thanks and best regards,
Luchuo, MD.