Getting Pain In Chest And Breast. Suspected For Costochondritis. Negative Mammo. Worrisome
Thank you for posting a query.
Look, first of all, you have a history of breast cancer. Naturally, you should be worried. I can understand the situation.
Here, you have pain that travels in different parts of both of your breasts. This is very vague symptom. No definite opinion can be given just depending upon this symptom. For suspecting any recurrence, or any type of other breast diseases, some symptoms like palpable breast mass, secretion from nipple, any retraction of skin over the area of breast, or any palpable axillary lymph node is necessary.
So, right now, it is not seem to be any sign of cancer. But, you should be cautious. A mammogram should be considered again. If needed, follow up mammograms should be done every 3 to 6 months depending upon the clinical findings.
Lastly, keep following up with your treating doctor regularly.
Hope this information suffices. Let me know, if you have any more question.