Getting Warm Sensation In Abdomen. How To Get Rid Of This Problem?
Thanks for the query.
Since you are not having any other complaint like pain abdomen or bloating or any urine problem,the most likely cause for your warm flushing sensation seems to be due to VIT B12 deficiency.
This deficiency develops insidiously over a long period of time and specifically in people who are taking METFORMIN.
I advise you to take oral B complex or B12 vitamin,twice a day for few weeks and see the response. I hope you shall definitely be all right.Alternatively you can take B 12 injections also.Taking injectable B12 gives better and fast results.
Take B12 injections every alternate days for 2 weeks.
In case you fell that there is no response or your problem is worsening,you may consult your doctor.
I hope it helps however you may revert to me for any further query.
Best of luck