Given West Ward Thinking It To Be Ibuprofen. What Should I Do?
It should not cause any consequences and you dont have to be worried,but if you are not sure about the exact type of pill you must visit doctor. Also, just be caotious aboust few things: she shouldnt take any drugs in next 48 hours,including ibuprofen, she should take plenty of fluids and eat normally.Dont take any alcohol. She might feel bit sleepy and she should just rest and you should be with close to her in next 24 hours and look for some strange signs.
If you notice nausea, drowsiness, blurred vision, hypotension, seizures or any other abnormal sign,you should visit doctor as soon as possible. Fortunately, this isnt the drug that can cause some serious symptoms in this dosage, but it is very important to be more careful with drugs in future.
WIsh you good health. If you have any questions I ll be glad to help. Regards