Had CS Delivery. Child Not On Breast Feed. How To Feed A Child?
i am XXXXXXX & my wife XXXXXXX we are blessed with a baby boy on Oct 8th 2012. Since my wife had a C-section delivery, she couldnot breast feed him. so from Day 1 he is being feed with Lactogen 1 using bottle. later after 5 days when she tried bestfeeding and he is crying and not supporting at all. So we tried using breast pump through which we could get around 40Ml. We are feeding him through bottle.
I need you advice on how can we continue feeding him, what is the best way to feed him atleast till 5-6 months. Whether to use Formula or Cow milk and till how long we need to feed him. please advice.
Thanks for all your support.
Thanks for your query.
Congrats for the proud parents!
First of all CS delivery is not a contraindication for breast feeding!
You must start breast feeding right from day 1!
Any way now also it is not too late.
Let the mother keep trying again and again and put the baby on the breast. Do not give up easily!
Because the milk comes easily from the bottle the baby does not want to put the effort and suck from mother.
Why you are using breast pump?
Does she have retracted nipple?
There is something called nipple shield which you can buy and put over the breast so that the baby can suck directly!
If all measures fail (which I hope not!!!!!) She can use lactogen 1 for 6 months followed by latogen2 for the whole of 1St year. Do not use dairy milk available in packets.
By 5-6 months you can start semisolid food like cerelac
Hope this explains your doubts.
If you have any more doubts, you can write again.
All the best
God bless the baby!
Dr Uma
We started using Breast pump because baby is not at all drinking or supporting mother to breast feed. As he is drinking pumped milk which is feed through bottle we started using breast pump (which is properly sterilized).
Just before the Delivery she had 1 unit of Blood injected, and post-delivery she have 9 hemoglobin %. Is this a cause of less breast milk?
And to get more breast Milk for the baby, do we have any tablets or substitute to get more milk flow from the mother?
Lastly, continuously using Lactogen will there be any side effects in Long run for the baby.
And shall we continue using Breast pump incase we are not left with any options w.r.t breast feeding. Will there be any implications to the mother due to less/no breast feeding or by using breast pump.
Thanks for all your support.
Thanks for the feedback.
Regarding increasing breast milk supply, let her take also more milk and fluids like juices.
There is no medicine in allopathy for this but there are some herbal preparations like Lactaire in the market. I cannot guarantee anything about them.
Regarding breast pump, yes definitely you can use if there is no other go!
Regarding effect of lactogen on the baby,---- don't worry! Absolutely no problems. It is a good supplement for the baby. There are millions of mothers like you!
Regarding mother also, no side effects from not giving except there is some amount of contraception for her by feeding the baby!
Let her take iron and calcium supplements.
Let her not feel guilty about this because mental relaxation is very important in increasing the breast
milk and make it smooth both for mother and baby!
OK, good luck
Dr Uma